
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1733

"Let's get on with it then," replied Astra and the threesome continued their discussion of magical rituals and monetary details. Meanwhile, a pair of street ruffians were looking at them through the window of the Tavern.

Their eyes burned as they saw the mountain-man talk with the two demi- foxes. They had but one intention, and that was to kill the two were- creatures, to kill the kind of monster that had killed their parents and orphaned them nearly a year before.

Tyr's day had come and gone, Woden's day too had passed as did Thor's day, but today was Freya's day and blood would be spilled; even if it was the last thing the two siblings did.

Finally the mountain-man left and the siblings prepared their weapons: two tiny crossbows with arrows the size of darts, darts dipped in poison. They entered, and saw the barwench serve potatoes and mutton to their intended victims. They walked closer with weapons concealed within the folds of their dirt-encrusted robes. The Tavern held only a few patrons and, as the town was known for its random acts of violence, the siblings felt certain of their escape.


"You're sure you want to go through with this?" asked Fred of Astra.

"I...I have to," she answered.

As the two street urchins reached the table, they pulled out the weapons. Fred's eyes grew large while Astra (with the trained reflexes of a princess warrior) jumped from the table and charged the two siblings. Unfortunately this startled the kids so much that they let loose their darts and ran screaming from the Tavern. This left Astra with two poison darts protruding from her side. Her eyes glared, then fogged over. She slumped over the table, her body slipping and falling to the floor; Astra was dead!

Fred, enraged by the loss of his friend and companion, flew from the table and --

  1. pursued the two ruffians
  2. began destroying everything in the Tavern

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