The Next Step....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17292

But that was impossible! Even if they had the knowledge, they couldn't have undone it! They hadn't had the time!

It had started so long ago when he'd awoken, fully formed and grown, in these very caverns centuries ago. He had no memories of anything before (only impressions of a fierce struggle...and he was the wonderful result). He opened his eyes and found the still warm corpse of some female of his species over in one corner (and also the corpse of some pissant human mage by the looks of him...but that was nothing). What was of more importance to his draconian heart was his nose! His nose smelled the delightful smell of gold and gems nearby. Turning, the dragon already claimed and bonded to a female dragon (with the stench of a human female on her for some reason)!

Now this dragonness was too powerful now for the male dragon to take away what should be (in his twisted mind) by rights his, and though the male had sulked away and later on managed to scrap together a Hoard of his own that would surpass this upstart female dragon.....he'd never forgave the treacherous thing. Despite that, the two had what could be called a love/hate relationship. Finally, however, the male's eye's were caught by the sight of red hair and warrior prowess of another. It was a mere human female, but.....something about her just made his black heart beat faster every time he spied upon her while he was on wing! It was the daughter of the king of the Great Kingdom. The one that we now know as "Thessamer:"

Now, by now you've probably figured out that that the dragon had designs on Thessamer as a mate. His plan was that the dragon would get some dragon's blood and preserve it fresh (somehow) to keep a similar blood curse that's on Malachi 3's blood active. That blood would get into wounds that Thessamer would get while slaying a decoy dragon (actually the now brain dead but magically controlled body of his former rival). Anyway, the blood curse would blossom and Thessamer would change into a female dragon in relatively short order. Since this Dragon is unaware that Thessamer knows that not all dragons are evil, the Dragon believes that Thessamer will change into a female dragon with....a compatible view of things similar to his own.

It's not a matter of love at first sight here, but rather a matter of draconian lust (to be blunt about it).

The Dragon's first attempt at capturing Thessamer had been thrawted by Fred (who is a son of a Duke in the Great Kingdom). That frustrated the dragon.

The second attempt was successful, and got not only Thessamer, but Fred as well. They had been on their wedding night when he'd snatched them, and the dragon had every intention in killing the defiant Fred....but something about this young knight made the evil fiend laugh. He kept them both under wraps (sometimes letting them out from time to time to have them run about acting out "plays" or "games" as it were). Always keeping them in the Caverns so they never would discover the truth about their altered memories and about themselves. Since the dragon blood was rare that the Dragon was in search of (few dragons are willing to die so that blood curse is activated), the Dragon kept feeding the captives Youth potions until he got that blood (the blood of that treacherous female who'd he'd finally had his revenge of his minions was able to slip a special poison into her fodder which put her into a coma)...


So he's finally got that blood, then.


Now, he was in the process of one last, twisted game with them all where the end result was Thessamer as a dragon. As for the others, he'd snatch them up again for either playing for later....or other things (perhaps even as a snack).

That had been the plan. Then this business of his toys disappearing and returning with friends had marked a marked change in those plans, it seemed. Oh, in the past others had come in and disrupted his plays and games....but that had been challenging enough to make it fun and interesting to the vile dragon. In the end those would be heroes always ended up in the same place: his gullet!

See, these caverns had been laden with so many traps and tricks over the centuries that only those with intimate knowledge of it all would have a hope of not being captured (or killed). Even if these would be heroes had been able to enlist the aid of his "toys" (i.e. Thessamer and Fred), that aid would be of limited use. See, Thessamer and Fred only knew what he, the dragon, LET them know! Nor could his toys or anyone else leave the Caverns once in! His magic would prevent that! Then, at the a new game or play was done, the dragon would alter their (the toys') memories anew...sometimes implanting new or even false information. It was added insurance.

But the way this group had been moving through the caverns was....almost as if his toys remembered prior sessions! Now, if they take a left at that intersection up ahead they'll be teleported right into....

"Well, looks like this it your cue," the dragon sighs, looking at a large figure behind him.

He assumes his human guise. Perhaps his ultimate goal could still be obtained and Thessamer could still be his. Mayhaps an old face can make her rash so she makes mistakes....and perhaps that'll be enough.

She'd make such a....fine mate!

He sends a mental command to that figure behind him and the prone female dragon, laying upon a pile of gold and low quality gems, jerks awake and hisses at the intruders as they enter into this last act of this abbreviated play.

"Well, if it isn't Minestus and Moreau!" Astra chuckles mirthlessly, recognizing from pictures she'd been shown by her friends and family of past enemies of the family.

Minestus blinks in surprise for two reasons (and the brain dead dragonness mirrors her master's motions). First, he's never revealed his name EVER to anyone besides other dragons (the sound of it spoken was like a slap to his face....and mind). Second, he is now only seeing how.....similar looking Astra was to Thessamer. His view through Thessamer's mind been perfect to spy upon his adversaries.....but not good enough really to get a GOOD picture of the others faces and such....

His draconian blood then ran cold when he hears. He'd sensed her spirit depart this still living shell, but..... Why was she speaking without his commands?!

  1. "Wha.....Fred.....?" Thessamar ix'latl (not Thessamer) mutters thickly, looking down at the darkly handsome man before her, reptillian slit pupil eyes somewhat bloodshot.

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