
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17169

"Yes," Fred says. "That is a major reason why I was delighted to have two mages come along."

"Very wise reasoning, Lord Fred." Thessamer says, with almost a trace of a smile on her lips.

Astra almost chuckles when Thessamer catches herself and wipes it from her face before she believes anyone notices. One must maintain appearances. Despite the thawing between Fred and Thessamer, it was way too early yet, Astra guessed, for any fondness showing.

Wonder where this troubled relation will finally end up, Andrea sends to those who she'd began this odyssey (Astra, Joan, Jarlath, and Annafrid) with.

Have not see this much maneuvering since Naberezhnyi came to Terra Prime to retire....and found out about Blake and his group, Jarlath added, remembering.

It had been an interesting meeting with a discussion that somehow drifted into the area of Avon finding out about the relationship the Military had with protecting the privacy of Queen Astra and the others of Terra Prime after so much "dirt" had been dug up on them during that terrible time when the Enemy/Alliance visited Terra Prime's shores....

Avon basically demanded the same, still rather out of sorts and having not having thought things through. If he had, we wouldn't have made such a stupid request.... But then, Avon played a odd break from it....

"Nichievo." Admiral Naberezhnyi sighs.

At least that's what is sounds to Betty and Ragan, but in their minds they know it really is nichego (a Russian word that is pronounced as they heard it but spelled as they see it in their minds). It literally meant "nothing" but it meant either "It can't be helped" or "I have nothing for you." It was a word that was long on resignation.

Basically, it meant that there wasn't much of anything about trying to get the all information related to him classified in the same manner as had been done in with Queen Astra and the like of Terra Prime.

"Do you have any idea how wide spread stuff about a show like Blake's 7 is, Avon?" Inquirer put in before Avon could do something stupid like start yelling at the admiral. "We can cap information leaks before it gets too wide spread with them. But it's way too late for you and Blake's crew."

Avon's and Inquirer's eyes lock for a moment, and then finally Avon seems to wilt a little and sighs. Short of a combined massive effort both electronically throughout the Net (scoring every corner within it and violating civil liberties in the process) and the real world (searching and ceasing every archival relic of the show in question and violating civil liberties in the process)..... That and a miracle..... Nothing less would work.

Of course, his question played upon the Old Man's sympathies enough for him to be in on things....not officially, Astra chuckled, Don't think that Avon could have done it if he'd intentionally set out to do it. Didn't have the people skills to have pulled it off effectively, but bright enough to play off of it he saw it.

  1. All the reasons said aloud were true, but the others knew themselves enough to guess the "unsaid" reasons of their "brother" and "sister".....

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