What Fred Did

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1677

Lord Fred ran. It wasn't the most courageous thing to do but facing down an subterranean slug without a sword wasn't the smartest thing to do either.

A few minutes later, Fred ran past a couple things. He slowed down and looked back. On the right side of the tunnel was an indentation. There was a ladder going up and going down through the floor. The downward direction smelled really bad.
On the left side of the tunnel was a crack. It was a wide crack. The floor was coated with pebbles. It seemed to extend upwards into the rockface for the bottom of the crack has many pebbles piled up.
Next to the break in the wall was a door. It was colored the same as the wall and even had the light-fungus on it. Fred saw that it was old and crumbly. He could get through it in no time.
Then Fred heard the slug. He had to make a decision now.

  1. Fred went up the ladder.
  2. Fred went down the ladder.
  3. Fred slid into the crack in the wall.
  4. Fred smashed open the door and went in.
  5. Fred continued running down the tunnel.
  6. Fred turned to face the slug, intending to kill it with his bare hands.
  7. Fred had another idea.

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