Fighting Words

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 16722

"Ah," said the captain of the gate. "Too bad... little lass (he said, looking up into Astra's eyes) you speak your mind fairly. Strength is a goodly thing to have; in the wilds of that there desert, or here within our bounds. In an hour I'll be free of my priviledge, and would enjoy your company."

Astra looked at the man in surprise. ~~he speaks to Fred as if he were leader, yet now speaks to me as an equal. What an odd man~~ "As Fred has said, our time here shall last only as long as is required. But if in an hours time we are still here, it would be... nice, to sit with you."

"Well said," replied the captain, and the trio entered into Kassini.

It was a small place, an outpost in the truest sense. The place was walled in by great mounds of earth topped with wooden shafts. Within this enclosure was a barracks, a hall, a small stable, and a few other buildings. There was no tavern to speak of. "As I said," began Fred. "These people do not believe in drink. We should begin at the hall."

"Before we do," began Astra. "Why did you lie about our origin?"

It was Thesamar who answered. "Actually, with the man's strong accent it sounded as if he asked if we came from Aquilaria... not Aqualaria. So, Fred made no lie at all."

"Uh, yes... that's right," said Fred.

"But I do wonder," continued Thesamar, "how is it that he even thought of our land? Do we stand out to such a degree?"

"Well," began Fred. "You must have noticed that you are tall. Even the Captain was a wee bit shorter than you both. You also speak... well, your accent is quite noticeable. And there is one more thing... we are all northmen. Since our kingdoms and principalities, our theocracies and mercantiles have been in existance, we have had the memory of the Amazons."

"What exactly do you mean, Fred of Allaria?" Astra was not pleased with the tone in Fred's voice.

"What I mean is that, well, take Allaria, for example. Our lands border those of Aqualaria, yet there is no trade between our peoples. The Shreken serves more to distance us than to bring us together."

"And can you blame us?" said Thesamar, now a bit insulted. "The Shreken is a monstrous place... not only was it home to the DragonMage, it holds countless inferior Races and Kindes and Things. To cross it is to cross death! We notice that you Allarians do little to meet with us across this ghastly frontier."

"True, Astra Thesamar," remarked Fred. "But we also have ports within the Duchy of Collins. We have ships, yet our every move southward has been rebuffed by wind and wave, and odd omens in the sea. Our Kings have long wondered why your Queens have created such barriers."

"Our Queens?!!?" both Astras replied sharply. "Why you ignorant man!"

More words would've been exchanged, but a loud cough alerted the trio to someone very close by. They turned and saw a large man, wearing tanned hides and carrying furs. He was chuckling now, staring at the three. "Gawd how I love family quarrels!" smirked the man. "Bet yer in a fine pot o' trouble with the missuses... and what mighty fine wives they be!"

Fred was shocked, the two Aqualarians were not. "Take back your foul words before we cut out your tongue!" said Thesamar gritting her teeth. "Come a little closer, little man, and I'll show you trouble," growled Astra. The man simply laughed the harder. "Bwahahahaha! I bet you would! Both of you! C'mon... m'name's Jarvis. I'm a trapper and a seller, a traveler as well. I'm only baiting ya, no harm in that. I thought folks up this far north were made of harder steel than this."

Fred was the first to compose himself. "My name is Frederigo. This is Astra and Thesamar. Your joke is crude and apologies had best be forthcoming."

"Forthcoming?" said Jarvis. "I coulda sworn I just did apologize! Well, shmell, here goes again... I dearly beg fergiveness of you ladies for the brashness of my tongue!"

"Grrrr," grumbled Thesamar at the falsity of the man's words.

  1. Will the apology quiet the Amazons or will this erupt into a royal fist fight? Who is this man Jarvis, and why so crude? Will the Captain come to Astra's aid...or Jarvis' rescue???
  2. ~~Hmmm~~ thought Fred. ~~Though stupid about women, this man surely came from south of here. Perhaps he can be of service to us.~~

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