A Worried Duke of Collins

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 16700

A frightened fisherman came to the city guard at Collinsport with a wild tale - or so it seemed - claiming to have seen a golden city rising out of the sea. But then the captain of the guard recalled the old legends about Atlantis, and that according to those legends the city's location had been in the region where the fisherman said he had been. He decided that perhaps the story was worth reporting to the Duke's chamberlain. The chamberlain consulted the Duke's wizard. The wizard took the tale seriously enough to recommend to the Duke that he send a vessel to investigate, and he also passed a message to the head of his order, the White Hand.

The "Heart of Oak" was despatched. The journey was at most two days' sailing time. When after a week the ship had still not returned, though the weather had been fair, Duke Barnabas was sufficiently alarmed to send a message to the King and to send a force of four frigates.

  1. But before the frigates could set sail, a mighty invasion fleet appeared.
  2. We switch to the POV of Ensign James Butler, a junior officer on one of those frigates.
  3. Meanwhile, back in Walants the two demifoxes have no realisation of just what they have done. At least, they haven't until...
  4. meanwhile on Atlantis itself...

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