A Smashing Idea?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 16443

Plan in motion

"I seriously suggest that you listen to what the Doctor and Mr. Yates have to say, Time Lord." she says calmly directly to the Abbot.

Betty pauses in slight surprise at herself at how she's basically confronting the abbot directly and in such a daring matter as this. She then shoves it aside, knowing that a quick and fast approach is needed.

Time, despite having a Time Lord with a working TARDIS, wasn't exactly on her side.

Betty did add, before turning it back over to the Doctor and Yates and after fending off astonished questions from Yates (and the Abbot) about how did she know about his true identity, that time is of the essence.

So, with a no frills, quick explanation of what had been seen and what was known (as far as they could tell), the human and the Doctor explain the situation.

"A most.....difficult conundrum indeed," the Abbot says finally, blinking.

"What must be done?" Tommy asks, wanting to help the best he could.

"First, we see about helping you," the Abbot says softly, taking the blue crystal from Betty gently, "This item....as Betty said, does have the ability to clear the mind. You'd like to do things like read, right Tommy?"

That was one of the things he'd like to do, it turned out. Others had tried and failed to teach him, and finally given up. It would be rather nice.....

The Abbot, being rather adept with the power of the mind (him being the Abbot of the monastery as evidence of that), it was only the work of moments for him to clear tommy's mind.

Things were....clearer and almost seemed brighter to Tommy when it was all done. Amazed, the huge man marveled at it all.

The Abbot smiled up to him, pleased at beign able to help this nice man, and then turend back to the Doctor.

"And now?" he asks, expecting the Doctor to know what must be done next, despite how painful it would be to him and what it would cost him in the end.....

  1. All but Betty blink and gasp in shock when the Doctor nods and then, after taking the Blue Crystal.....smashed it under his foot!

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