SCV or a Psionic Blue Crystal

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 15907

"Oh shit!" B'Elanna says softly, looking up at the aghast Leela. This doesn't sound good at all!

In the ship of Xoanon.....


"LIES!" Xoanon, sounding singular....but no less insane, shouts to the world at large through the, "You said I'd have release.....release!!!"

Xoanon then goes on a rant about needing release....and shall get release in one form or another.

I rather have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach over that one, but right now I'm busy helping the Doctor to a more comfortable position. Just before now his body had jack knifed and the helmet connecting him to Xoanon fallen to his side, severing his connection.

"The Jester would have to chose this time to make life spicy," Gilmuriel sighs in exasperation, a native phrase of his coming to the fore to express the utter exasperation.

"I think that this is about the time that Leela, if she was here, would ask about that flashing light," Betty says quietly, pointing at a red flashing light on one of the control panels.

"Not long ago I'd ask the same question," I say, remembering his recent lessons in high technology, "I cannot say that I'm reassured in knowing what it means, now."

Inquirer, muttering something about something not being right, pulls a small tricorder (a tool that had become a near favorite to the Time Lord....almost as much as his sonic screwdriver) from the Doctor's coat and makes a "scanning" gesture up towards where Xoanon's computer core is reputed to be located. She looks at the small tool's screen and mutters a ripe, round curse, and then turns and looks bleakly at us.

"He's cracked in more than one way now," she says in a low voice, "The struggle between the Doctor and Xoanon appears to have been very fierce before the computer gave in, from what I gather. Damaged the data core and....that's not good for a machine intelligence's sanity."

"Shit," Betty and Ragan mutter, looking disgusted.

Looks like it's the time for SCV, Inquirer sighs mentally, And I'd hoped that it wouldn't come down to this.... So very tired of causing death.....

On more than one occasion she'd mentioned how weary she'd grown of fighting in the Enemy/Alliance war. She went on to say how annoying it had been that some benighted denizen's of some worlds she'd visited over her lifetime (before becoming a Golem) felt that because she and those in the Military automatically looked forward to fighting (the reverse was actually true....considering that they were the one's who'd probably be the first to die....being in harms way and all).

That aside, I also, in addition to remembering that, remember how doubtful she'd been of SCV being able to neutralize Xoanon before he blew the ship's reactor's, taking half of the planet, himself, and everyone else on it in the process. Oh, she'd admitted it was possible.....SCV (Scott Chen Virus, retrieved carefully from the secured files of one starship Voyager) in it's current form (even without Scott's chaos energy....the mysterious energy that made strange things happen to him and those around him) could do it.....would even take out the Borg Collective all over again if need be.....the chances of it doing it fast enough.....

Anyway, SCV was something like a doomsday weapon on the Net (only stoppable by cutting all links to the effective area while it burned every circuit in that area)....and should and would destroy even this powerful "stand alone" computer. It was just a question of time.

And besides the fact that she'd had questions about time, as she'd said before she'd rather not have to cause the death of a sentient being.....especially when it couldn't help it's actions due to insanity. No problems with those who'd endanger others.....but this was a bit different.....

The truly ironic thing about all this is that we "Champions" all shall return, even if our bodies are vaporized by the explosion. Can't say the same for the others, however. That'll be the hard thing about life as a Champion for me. I'll remember the one's that I failed to be able to save despite my best efforts. Lived with a similar problem before due to a long life span all dragons have in relation to other races....especially human it's not much of a change (but no less hurtful). There had been crew members in the past on my old ship....

The Doctor then shudders halfway awake for a moment.

"Crystal.....use the......" the Time Lord mutters softly and then sighs, unconscious again.

Betty looked at Ragan. Both looked surprised...and suddenly with a hope.

"Boy won't the spiders be pissed," Betty giggles nervously.

But the properties should be able to.....hopefully.... she added, mentally to the others.

Ragan pulls out a large blue crystal that I'd heard mention of off and on recently. I'd been meaning to ask more about that....but it kept slipping my mind as other things came up....

It did have ways of clearing the mind.... Ragan says to the other's minds, nodding and remembering that one episode, Hope it works on Xoanon, though... That is the big question.

"Care to share something, friends?" Gilmuriel says, glancing over at the flashing red light.

And so Betty and Ragan did....quickly. It involved Sigin, and thanks to the Doctor's suggestion....

Out in the sea near Nantucket, the silvery dome that is the Time Barrier disappears, taking with it the false sky that Xoanon had been projecting there inside.....revealing an alien blue sky to a landscape from another world....from another universe....

  1. Leela and E'eysha cheer, seeing something good has come and it looks all is well, but something slightly unplanned has occured as the Champions back in the ship are standing in the dark with a glittering blue crystal...

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