A Threatening Turn of Events

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 15372

Ringroot was stunned. How could Astra have escaped? Not only was she locked in a cell with no windows and only one door, but she had been in a drug induced sleep. It was impossible for her to have gotten away!

"We've got to find her!" Fred exclaimed. Ringroot agreed, but he couldn't trust Fred to help him. "Guards!" Ringroot called out. The six spearmen reentered the study. "Take Fred back to his cell and keep an eye on him." Fred protested but Ringroot ignored him and the guards quickly took him out of the room. Turning to Arkas, Ringroot said, "Go to the library. Everything you need to begin your research will be there." Arkas nodded. He would have preferred to have gone with Ringroot but the majority of the building wasn't built for man-sized people; the place was simply too small for him to move around in.

Ringroot then rushed to Astra's cell. He needed to see how it was that she had escaped. His mind was a-twirl with questions and suppositions. Was she more than she had seemed to be? Super strong perhaps? Or had she had help getting out? Was there a demifox within the den who had their own agenda? Or was there magic involved here?

Meanwhile, Fred found himself back in his cell, the door locked, and any chance of escape once again beyond his means. And that's when he felt a strange tingling in his hand. He looked down at the gold ring he wore, the emerald setting seem to flash in the light of the room. He had completely forgotten that he wore it. It had been given to him by the dragon Malachi so that humans could understand his speech once the full effects of Minestus' curse had manifested themselves. Yet another lie by the dragon. He could speak as he always had with absolutely no problem. So what was the ring really for?

And then a voice filled Fred's mind and somehow he knew that it came from the ring. "I have your female. If you wish to see her alive again you will do exactly as I say." Fred started, he was not used to disembodied voices threatening him. "Who are you?" he whispered.

"I am Synizn," the voice answered.

  1. Fred listened to what Synizn had to say

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