Within a Ten Mile Radius!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 14866

The mage produced an ordinary compass an inch or so across. Within it, a magnetised needle floated on a bed of liquid, and always aligned itself north-south. He explained: "If a drop of blood from a blood relation of the person to be found is dropped into the liquid, and the appropriate spell enacted, then if the person is alive the needle will always point in their direction. If they are dead, then the needle will spin aimlessly. Will you let me prick your finger, My Lady?" As he spoke, he levered off the glass lid of the compass.

"No, if anyone is to shed blood it shall be the father for the son," Dred says softly, "Champlaine has experienced enough pain, pain of loss, for ten lifetimes, and I will not bear her having even a pinprick of the emotional or physical pain if I have any say in the matter."

"Of course." his mage says, nodding in understanding.

The mage pricked Dred's finger- tip with a pin, squeezed a drop of his blood into the compass liquid, and then replaced the lid.

They looked at the needle, floating in the now slightly red-tinged liquid.

'Ah, before you say anything, I haven't said the spell yet," the mage says, remembering the last episode of this spell with Rowena. "It'll still pointing in the same direction as before, until I do. You have many blood relatives, and the spell is needed to attune the needle to the correct one. Now, you must realise that it is far more likely that your son is dead than that he is alive, so fortify yourself against being disappointed. But this way, we shall know for certain."

The mage already knew the fact that Fred was indeed alive, but had to play his part or else draw the wrath of the Duke and Duchess (something he'd rather not do, truth be told).

The mage held the compass in his hand and said a lot of what sounded like gibberish to Dred and Champlaine, in which she could only recognise at one point "Lord Frederigo D'Honaire". When he had finished, the needle swung to orientate itself in a completely different direction. "He's alive!" the elder D'Honaires exclaimed. Dred, feelings of suprise and gratitude, went so far as to even hug the startled mage.

The mage was startled, but it was more than the hug that surprised him. See, the needle had swung swiftly this time, instead of slowly, and in a different direction than what he knew that lay in the direction of Locke and the others sent after Lady Rowena! The second was puzzling, but the first.....was shocking. The swiftness, if the mage didn't miss his guess.

"My lord!" the mage gasps, pointing at the device.

He calms himself and speaks in a softer tone of voice to the still smiling D'Honaires. Duke Dred kisses Lady Champlaine (who's crying along with Dred in sheer joy), and they then look at him in question.

"Yes, he's alive....but......" the mage pauses, looking at the quivering needle in the compass. "The results indicate.....Lord Frederigo.....is within something like ten miles of this place!"

"What?" both Dred and Champlaine blink.

As they head their way towards the castle, and Duke Dred, Jarlath has to wonder just how he seemed to have picked up so many people (new family members and friends....it looked like) in such a short time!

The gate guards are shocked indeed when they recognize first Lady Rowena...and then Lord Fred! Before a panic can happen, thinking that the dead had risen and come, Lord Dred called from the entrance....and welcomed them in. The family mage was with him and Jarlath had a feeling that their arrival had been forecasted or something like that.

The welcome by Dred and Champlaine for Fred was heartwarming indeed. Fred's parents cried and were calling upon the gods, thanking them for his return. When they found out that Jarlath was an important part in his quick return....the elder D'Honaire's welcome for Jarlath's group was warm and heartfelt as well.

"Father, I must speak with you about something dire, however." Fred said softly, "I need to speak with you in private."

Earlier, elsewhere, by a bit....

Out in daylight there is an unlikely group.

  1. "My name is Malachi Dronocis...and you have nothing to fear from me," she says in a soft, gentle voice.

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