Like Something out of The Twilight Zone...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 14853

Betty quickly glanced over the schedule. There were no appointements listed on it, but...

"Hey, wait a minute! This isn't right. This says I wasn't even scheduled to work the last couple of days!"

"That's right," said the receptionist.

"No, it's not. I was here yesterday and the day before!"

Felicita shrugged. "Well, then, I don't think you're getting paid for it. That's the correct operator schedule, all right."

Betty felt a chill at the back of her neck. Something was clearly very not right here. It wasn't just this. It wasn't just the unexplained rental car, or that weird hallucination -- if halluciantion it was -- about the Hollywood actors. There were lots of little things that had been preying at the back of her mind. Like finding her coffee mug in the kitchenette yesterday when she'd been certain she'd left it on her desk. Like the fact that her next-door neighbor, bizarrely, had apparently painted his trailer a different color overnight. Like the fact that the book she'd been reading suddenly seemed to be by a different author than she remembered...

She remembered a hundred science fiction tales she had read, and "Mulder's" comments about... what was it? "Intersection points?" A horrible, unbelievable idea began niggling at the back of her mind. Is this even my universe at all?

No. It was crazy. Crazy!

"Um, thanks, Felicita." She handed the appointment book back and turned around dazedly... Then her eyes widened as she caught sight of the person standing behind her.

  1. "David Duchovny! I thought I'd hallucinated you!"
  2. "Stacy!?"
  3. "Oh, god, it's another fictional character!"

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