This episode was submitted by E. Nigma, (

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 14411

"Captain Kirk." you say in a formal tone. "Might I suggest you take out the Shadow forces. Considering the nature of the Shadow, don't you think letting them run rampant throughout this universe.....a bad idea?"

"You don't have to get sarcastic, ma'am." Kirk mutters as a lucky shot from a Shadow ship makes the Enterprise rock.

"Geeze, shouldn't you guys put in seatbelts in this sucker." you ask Scotty as you pick yourself off the floor.

"Ack, lassie, I've heard arguements like that before from other people." Scotty says absently after he helps you up. "It's just never been deemed necessary."

You grunt and just shake your head. You then whistle as you see Kirk and the crew work their magic.....and the havoc the Enterprise and her weapons and velocity......Lets just say that the Shadow doesn't have a good time of it. True, even with their light speed restricted weaponry....they still magic to give the Enterprise a few lumps.....the Shadow fleet is by and large routed.

You shake your head in wonder. Who would have thought that ONE Federation ship could defeat so many ships. You guess it has something to do with the fact that Sulu never lets the Enterprise get boxed in by the Shadow Ship. The fact that Phasers and Photon Torpedoes travel faster than the speed of light, also... Hmm, maybe it isn't so surprising.

The end result from the battle was maybe a fourth of the Shadow survives the encounter. You watch as several large ships generate Gates to hyperspace.

Kirk, Spock, and the rest of the crew are busy handling various conditions (read damage reports) occuring around the ship.

Uhura calls out to Captain Kirk.

"Captain, I REALLY think we should talk to Alliance ships." she says in a plaintive voice. "They seem really interested in knowing just WHO we are and such."

"What?" Kirk says absently as he looks up from a report given to him by Lt. Rand. "Pipe them through onto the main screen, Uhura."

Various races appear on the screen. Minbari, human, and a few other notables are displayed. The question of the day is "Just who the @#$@#$@ are you? How does your ship and weapons go as fast as it does? Why are you here?"

Kirk patiently explains, several times, what the Enterprise is, how it got here, and why the Enterprise intervened.

All in all, you reflect that the answers leave much to be desired, but the Alliance forces can hardly complain. The Enterprise definately stomped the Shadow.

Kirk comes to you AGAIN and asked YOU where the Enterprise should go and do.

"You know more about this universe we are in than I do." Kirk explains. "And you did tell us, albeit in your sleep, that the Earth Alliance isn't the most trustworthy of people!"

  1. You suggest going to Centauri Prime. You seem to remember something about it being attacked.
  2. You suggest going to the Shadow Homeworld.

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