This episode was submitted by Emperor Cartagia.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 14383

The area of the new alien planet you are in now is one that is absolutely honeycombed with all kinds of tunnels, alcoves, etc. Perfect for hiding. You pick one and start sneaking away as quietly as you can. The ringing voices of the courtiers fade away in the distance as you walk farther and farther in. This tunnel would seem to go all the way through the mountain and come back out the other side, which is perfect for your purposes.

You stop and listen for a moment. Good. No-one appears to be following you. You step forwards--and bump into someone in FRONT of you.

You gasp. It is the sinister Mr. Morden! He is no longer wearing his long brown robe and hood, instead he is in a nice but rather dull in your opinion grey and black tailored suit. His skin appears to be mostly healed except for a few lesions here and there and his hair, thick and black, is mostly grown back.

YOW you think, he looked near death only a few days ago? How can anyone HEAL that fast?!! You are gaping openly at him when he smiles a charming yet scary smile.

"Have you forgotten something...?" he asks you in a low, fake-friendly tone. "The debt that you owe to my associates?" Strange clatttering noises can be heard from all around him...or is that just your overactive imagination? The light of the small lamp he is carrying lights up his news-broadcaster face eerily. "You have two choices..." he says, leaning closer to you. You back into the wall in fright. "You can either tell us the secret of your time travel so that my associates can take over Earth from in the past, or you can have what's behind..." he smiles wickedly..."door #2. Which will it be?"

So...either you help this guy destroy the Earth by telling him a secret you DON'T EVEN KNOW, or you take an unknown and possibly WORSE punishment. You don't like EITHER of these!

But you HAVE to decide.

  1. Do you make up some technobabble to explain how you travelled through time and hope Mr. Morden buys it?
  2. Or, do you offer to perform the unnamed second choice service?

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