A favor not soon forgotten

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1345

Meanwhile, on the pirate ship . . . . all Hell's breaking lose.

"Argggh, get that lizard off my SHIP!!" screams the captain of the ship. First, he chooses an island that is populated by were-creatures, then he has a close encounter with a bunch of golems, now THIS. It was enough to make a person want to go the honest route! At least the beast was on it's last legs, and looked ready to keel over any time now. Still, it was unnerving how quickly this dragon had swooped (not with much control) and skidded to a halt on his ship.

Malachi, panting, looked up in pain at the pirates that had surrouded her injured body. A quick glance back at her crumpled left wing shows that her left wing is ruined, due in large to the fact that she had clipped this ship's mast. It hadn't given way, but her wind sure had! It was a small blessing, along with the fact that her semi-controlled fall hadn't ended up in the deadly water, that her body was too numb to feel pain . . . . much. She felt a renewed pain every time she breathed.

A glance around her showed that she had been surrouned while she was gathering herself after her jarring stop. The pirates were armed with those fancy new . . . . . muskets and "guns." In her present condition, it could prove to be enough . . . . to finish her!

Not having gotten to her present age by being a magical slouch, she gasps out a magical human killing spell. She has no qualms about these humans deaths, because it is a simple case of self defense, in her book. However, she gasps as she overextends herself and feels the spell spread out well beyond her intended target, and kill a goodly amount of fish surrounding the ship. In another time, it would have been amusing, but . . . . she feels injuries that were grave before get compounded by a factor of five! She collapses, and whimpers. She . . . . can't move! She knows, the dragoness, that she doesn't have long to live.

"All I wanted . . . . .to do . . . ." she whimpers in pain, slipping into delerium. "Is to keep the promise I made to . . . . . Carradene."

A pair of feet slapping the deck, and a scribbing sound tells the dragoness that she is not alone. She barely manages to raise her head to look at the two were-foxes that gasp at the fallen dragon.

  1. "Help me . . . ." Malachi whispers. "Please . . . "

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