Algrado's Syndrome

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 12732

He escorts you to the agreed place.

Algrado's syndrome can be a sad and dangerous thing, exclusive to those people who have it within their blood (trained or not) magic. It, in it's early stages, and manifest in several different ways. It can be small and harmless or in this case it can be freaking tragic

Point in fact, a discussion about such things was going on right this moment (if such a term could be used when talking about the flow of time compared between different realities)!

"He actually said 'There! That'll keep you from sticking your nose where it's not wanted!'?" Annafrid asks in a shocked voice, running a hand through her long hair in consternation, "That's odd!"

Damn odd thing to say to the person you needed to save the day, especially when aid was needed. Speaking like that puts the idea in the mind that one is an opponent.....not something you wanted to appear as in such a situation.

Several Belbozs (now Phylicia and Belinda) later on had with much embarassment in her voice admitted to having slipped up like that....

"I am afraid he did," Andrea 2 said, smiling gently, "But not to worry, 'tis behind us now. With his transformation into a young girl, the prophecy's strain on his body and mind evaporated. The Syndrome went away with his masculinity, you see."

Annafrid was just glad that nothing like that had happened to her. While she had no problems with what had happened with the others (male turned female), the thought that she'd could have ever been male (Fred memories aside) wasn't a comfortable one. Oh, her origins where mysterious, but.....

That's just about the time they hear a popping sound and a scream of a young woman falling from over their heads!

Steven, about to ask Jarlath 2 for a favor, whips around. His reflexes as swift as ever, and thus he catches the falling lass before she can hit the ground! Whoever it is has passed out in fear before she'd been caught....

  1. A mad cackling is heard above.....

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