Minestus is dead!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1270

"Folks, I'd just settle down." the strange golem/man said to the nervous group. "We're just here to mine a little tiberian. But...we peace-loving people of the Son's of Nod won't hurt you, if you STAY out of our way!"

The hill above the beach was a stunned confusion. The three animal clans were milling about in their respective groups; Fred saw Loam but did not approach - the bad blood between some of the wolves and the foxes was enough for even this new friendship to be put on hold (at least while any other fox or wolf was looking).

The band of foxes was the last to arrive but they did indeed witness the strange liquid light and it's accompanying wind that made one feel as if they were falling down a deep well. Now they were all staring at each other as they realized that the pirates could understand their tongue. An explosion rocked them where they stood as a cloud of soot shot into the sky from the interior of the island, from the direction of Minestus' mountain lair.

"Charlie Unit one," began the golem again. "Bravo three sights the ash and tephra. Small fragments of lava can be seen being ejected from the mountain. Recommend continuance of Operation Vulcan, stage iv with a short burst from the laz cannon. Let's build ourselve a volcano. We will deal with the local inhabitants as best as possible. Over."

The strange box responded in a garbled tone, "Roger that. Out."

The golem turned to the groups of were-folk and smiled. Fred shivered at the sight of it. This thing was not human, it never was human, it would never be human. His entire instinct was to run, yet, something was happening that he must understand, the least of which was that the human pirates now could comprehend the words that came out of his own mouth.

"Now, then" began the Golem. "WE are the Son's of Nod. YOU are a bunch of animals. But we have done you a great favor - we have killed your dragon slavemaster. The Dragon Mage Minestus is no more, the fact that you all can understand each other is proof. The lair of that evil wyrm is now a bubbling cauldron of molten magma, a geologic gemstone, a victorious volcano!"

~~It sure likes to use lots of adjectives,~~ thought Fred to himself.

Bursts of strange blue-green balls of light came from out of the sky and illumined the mountain/volcano once more and the dark cloud of ash seemed to worsen, to grow darker, thicker.

"This island is now yours," continued the golem. "WE shall leave but only a small camp here. This beach shall be named Territory 5342, property of the Son's of Nod. YOU may have the remainder of the isle. Do you animals understand us?"

"We do," spoke Moran. "We understand very well."

"Good," said the golem. "Bravo three Company, secure Territory 5342. No native grasses, flowers, stones or boulders, nor ANIMALS shall remain...go, Go, GO!"

The golem began their work, efficiently using tools of odd manufacture to eradicate the local flora, down to the tiniest weed. They began removing the stones and rocks, as well, tossing them into the sea at the beach. Then they turned towards the were-folk. A strange look passed among the golem, then they raised their tools and pointed them towards the foxes, wolves, and bears.

"Run!" screamed out Moran. They scattered in all directions...most heading back to their respective homes, while the golem simply smiled and smiled and smiled.

Back in the main village Carradene gathered a large group of werefolk about him and a shaky Council discussion ensued. Moran was there as was Loam, and Fred.

"What in god's name are we gonna do?" someone said.

From behind Carradene's back he pulled out something from the pirate's things left in the glade. "Does THIS help give you an idea?" It was a silver-plated telescope, just right for one eye and with the ability to help one magnify images from great distances - possibly even images from as far away as the now destroyed Dragon's Lair.

  1. Old ones, young ones, tailors, and Explorers!

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