There is no spoon!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 12614

Cosmo looked more than a surprised to see the Security Guards that had followed him and Brandes morph into.....some rather odd characters. Some looked to be refugees from fairy tales (elves?.....and the females dressed in outfit that gave no doubt to their sex?). Two men dressed in rather fancy, Victorian like, clothing (the hat with the plume in it looked rather handsome on the young blond Cosmo's opinion). Two were woman (one a gorgeous, buxom redhead and the other was a shorter, pleasant looking brown haired woman). But oddest of all is....four elves? Two male elves and two rather gorgeous female elves in form fitting green outfit?!

Gordon, who'd yelped in surprise and pain when the Doctor (disguised as Brandes) had grabbed him and thrown him with a Venusian Akido throw, groans and tries to get up. But that's when Inquirer shoved Wallace onto him (after releasing the fat man from the rather painful nerve lock she had on his arm). Both go down with a shout, and then pass out in pain as Inquirer stuns them into unconsciousness with her phasor (on heavy stun, natch).

"Wha....?" Cosmo asks brightly, confused and befuddled (he'd done acid once in jail....was this one of those fabled flashback?!)

"Good nightie!" Inquirer says sweetly as she stuns the still befuddled criminal code cracker.

"Brilliant idea you had, Doctor!" Inquirer said in an admiring voice as the Time Lord rushes over and opens the pseudo tape recorder that contained the Item, "I should have thought of it myself.....playing out that scene from the movie."

"Oh, you would have soon enough I'm sure, my dear." He says as he picks up the item (tape recorder casing and all), "Of that I'm reasonably sure."

"Did I do well in playing the part of Liz?" Nyssa asks, excited by how well things had gone down.

Indeed, the expectation had been that they'd only get the attention of Wallace....maybe even Gordon. Then, after....a bit of "persuasion" (spell induced...not pain induced), they'd take the goon's card (and a mimic of their voice via Inquirer) and enter into and gain access to where the Item was stored (again gained by spell induced confession.....ordinary Earth people had no knowledge how to resist magic.....where as those of Terra Prime did....). They'd be in and leave still imitating one of the head goons and several guards (hopefully before those they'd borrowed their likeness of woke up from their spell induced slumber or were discovered).

Instead, they'd gotten all the way into the building and were actually AIDED by Carl Cosmo himself to the item (albeit unknowingly).

Gotta love it! Elrondir smiled to himself as they again put on their magical disguises.

He let the larger members of the group open the doors and such, since he and the other elves' illusion would be revealed as false when their illusion mimicked their real body's counterpart. The image wouldn't match the results (i.e. a door would open despite the fact that the illusion was reaching way above where the doorknob was located)!

The unconscious Cosmo and the goons are left in Brandes' office (out of sight of casual observation of any roving guard), and they quickly head back to the lobby....and out the door.

The FBI agents don't know why the Security Guards and the others are laughing as they leave the building and pile into the car that Brandes and the supposed Liz arrived in. They try to get somebody to try to tail them, but after the car (with British plates?!) rounds a has vanished (actually into the waiting TARDIS....and back into the storage room that that one now defunct Master that had been killed by Walker so long ago on Terra Prime had stored it before).

Well, the TARDIS is dematerializing (having returned to it's Police Box form by the nostalgic Doctor) as somebody finally stumbles across the unconscious Security Guards stuffed into a nearby bathroom. The sirens go off as the place goes into lockdown....but that proved to be too little....too late.

After the TARDIS again arrives in the laundry room of Liz's apartment, the sleeping Sneakers are loaded into the TARDIS....and then unloaded into their place of business of the Sneakers.

Here! B'ellana says mentally to the others, pointing to the bug planted by the NSA according to Inquirer and Elrondir. Inquirer and Elrondir recognized the breed from historic files from their NSA...back before it got absorbed into the Military Intelligence.....unlike most of the other Alphabet Agencies who eventually became the Phantoms....).

The elves again cloak themselves magically. Inquirer nods, looking over at the office where the TARDIS is parked (and out of sight). Time for the the next phase.

"There is no spoon!" Inquirer finally says, triggering the awakening of the Sneakers.

Understandably, they are confused and all that (and a bit put off at having fallen asleep and taken to their office....Liz especially since she's still in her bathrobe).....

However, when they see that Inquirer and the others have the Item!...... Well, after a quick demonstration of it's authenticity (on one of those "uncrackable" websites)....they were happy enough to forgive.

"But now is time for somebody to arrive!" the Doctor says sharply, pointing at a lamp.

Crease and Bishop look at each other, and Bishop mouths "Bug?"

Crease nods, figuring that's what the Doctor (Doctor what?) was talking about.

Moments later, a very jet lagged Bernard Abbot and two other NSA agents (one woman and one man) come storming in....livid!

Abbot gathers himself, and then speaks calmly (after giving the Doctor and his group an odd look).

Inquirer and the other's of her group smile. Abbot did look somewhat like his movie counterpart....and even went further and began this meeting with the same line he said when meeting the Sneakers the first time in the flesh.

  1. "Mr. Bishop. I'm Bernard Abbott. National Security Agency. We spoke on the phone. I believe you have something that belongs to me." Abbot begins.

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