Western Done Right ?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 12302

Fred dressed like a western cowboy walked into town. The Town was called Hades. Nice, Fred thought as he read the sign. Before he had the chance to enter the saloon, an old man stopped him, "Whoa boy, Whoa, only a cowboys can entered the saloon." "I am a cowboy." The old man began to snicker, "You dressed as er....a greenhorn." Then a young woman no more than twenty approached them, "Welcome to Hades, er.........." She bolted laughing. Fred became quite irrated for he bought the western clothes in Tennese. He had glittering rinestones and frindges all over his western clothes. He was told that Elvis Presley bought all his clothes there, whoever he might be.He was a western singer. "Why is this place called Hades?" The woman finally stopped laughing, "This place is cursed with no sheriff. Everytime there is a sheriff here in Hades, he only lives maybe a day and a night then he is dead in middle of the street. One-Eye Pete controls Hades. He is a monster. He is the owner of the saloon, he cheats on everybody except my father, the undertaker in town. He somewhat respect my father. The mayor is name is Rodney Clinton. He, well, he coward." The Young women's father, the undertaker who was listening near by spoke up, "Prissy, you know, my dear child, because of Hades, we have made quite a business. Er...how about asking this clown...........I mean this fine gentleman to be the sheriff of Hades." "I can't ask him, I mean I not the mayor." "Darn, where is the mayor?" "He locked himself in the jail again to get over his.... illness." Then the old man spoke up, "Stranger if you wish to live in Hades, you need to get some real cowpoke clothes, over Old Jenny Cloth & Feed." "Old Timer, thank you for kindess, and your name is?" "My name is Jake. Me and Number 7 are looking for gold in creek near Hades." He pointed at the mule. His hair was long and white with a full beard. Then the undertaker stated, "Prissy, my darling child, make a room for this gentleman at our grand estate." "Yes Papa." "Please do not go out of your way." "My name is Boris, it is no problem at all and your name might be?" "My name is Sir Fred." Before he had a chance to say any more, a huge man step out of the saloon, "What the.............a clown. I ain't seen a circus in years!" Then he began to fire at poor Fred's feet, "Dance Clown Dance!" "Stopped it Pete!" Screamed Prissy."Please he is just a young man, I will do whatever you want. Please I even marry you!" "Really, Prissy." Scoffed the huge man, "You mean, your willingly to save this clown to marry me, One-Eye Pete?" "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She wept, "I will marry you." With that statement, he brutishly swept her into his arms,"Tomorrow, Prissy, Tomorrow at the church on Widow's Hill, 8:00 am. If you aren't there Prissy I will kill this runt of a clown." With a matter of seconds One-Eye Pete jumped on his horse, headed out toward the hotel, Foggy Creek Inn. "Stranger,"Prissy wept, "You mustn't allow this marriage to take place, you must save me!" Fred glances at Prissy, she had golden blond hair, and large green eyes. She was a beauty. Her eyes pleaded with him, "Please help me. I rather be dead than to marry him!"

  1. Fred Becomes the Sheriff of Hades
  2. Fred Duels with One-Eye Pete
  3. Fred learns to sing in the Saloon
  4. Fred Marries Prissy

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