The Easiest Place to Start

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 113727

"Mood disorder?" Fred said.

"Yes," Arahim said. "You are probably unaware of it, but given the circumstances you seem quite ridiculously happy. We believe it must be the result of one of Belboz's spells."

"In the circumstances, will undoing that actually be a kindness?" Rick asked.

"Perhaps not in the short term, but once Fred has been restored to her rightful form then it will be. And Mertix and I feel that it will be the easiest place to start in putting things right."

"Very well, then," Rick said. "Assuming that you're happy, Fred?" As soon as he had said that, he realised that it was rather a silly question in the circumstances. Fred couldn't help but be happy.

Fred nodded her head. "Yes."

So Arahim and Mertix attempted to restore her mood to normal.

  1. They succeeded.
  2. They failed. Fred remained as happy as ever.
  3. Unfortunately they were too successful, and Fred became deeply depressed. Even the prospect of getting her rightful form back could not cheer her up.

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