Off to Logopolis we go....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 11293

More than a few people spin and look at that one (including Inquirer, who hadn't even heard anyone mention the fact that she'd set up a date with Dr. Who)......

"But while I may not no all of it....I do know that one can.....visit the Here After for a bit," Rassilon says mysteriously, "One able to have one's enough to be able to take it in before you are allowed it."

The room burst into a storm of questions, but the mysterious Time Lord just smiles.....not answering.

He always like being mysterious....

Later, after getting Susan used to the idea of her biological grandfather of dating again after so long......And the Faeroe of the reappearance of Rassilon and the revelation of the equation that linked science with magic (the Grande Unified Theory created by Dr. Vincent Priceless).....

After Fred and Astra (now calling themselves Fred 12 and Astra 12 for now) are whisked away to help with the clan back on Astra 8's world.

After those nabbed by the Time Scoop are put to right....or as right as possible with Tegan an Turlough (the Brigadier uses a few contacts within the Witness Protection Agency back in the United States.....).

"Wait a minute, I'm a little vague on what all of what happened back there meant," Ragan finally gets around to saying as Dr. Who makes the TARDIS dematerialize and head off to Logopolis (where Rassilon had mysteriously hinted that using the radio telescope there would help both Betty's universe AND, "Did I just dream it or did I hear something about.....Galifrey joining the Federation?! And what was this about Celestrials and Project Stopwatch? I just have to ask questions. It's what a Companion does."

The last is delivered with a tinge of irony.

"The Celestrials are a group of rival time travelers who will wage war with the Time Lords for reasons I'm not sure of," Betty says, "Rassilon was being a bit tight lipped about it, but I think it's the same group we read about in those Doctor Who books we only believe on odd Tuesdays. It's that group mentioned in the one story where the 8th Doctor encountered that one living Time Capsule and was bidding on that dead body that turned out to be his just was from the future. You do remember, right?"

"I'm....a little bit vague on that book, but I doubt it'll be a factor now." Ragan admits. "But now, what of this Stop Watch and the Federation?"

"They were something I was sure was just a legend," Inquirer says softly, with a thoughtful look, "Reputed to be a mysterious, highly advanced shadow organization able to travel through time. The wildest rumors attribute them to actually being.....part from a universe with something like the Federation from Star Trek....only a more futuristic version of it. I have a funny feeling that the Federation in question is the one that we are helping fight against what's left of the Enemy.... The one that the Military and the Alliance are now a part of. The one which Terra Prime is now a part of under a special probationary membership."

And would I have seen a future self or one of my family in that mysterious envoy party reputed to be from that very Operation Stop Watch? Inquirer asks herself, wondering.

"Which the Time Lords just joined in alliance against the Celestrials....or Celeste as some may call them," Elrondir puts in, "At least that's what I gather, though the Time Lords aren't just about to go out in force and mix with the universe as a whole."

At least we won't have a repeat of the Enemy/Alliance war, Elrondir sighs mentally, Creator knows that if we'd had time travel at our disposal in that war it would have been even worse than what it was....and with groups as powerful as the Time Lords and such.....I doubt a war would just stay stuck in one universe.....but spill over into other universes just as the Enemy/Alliance War did with us! I believe that's why the Rules awoke Rassilon had him brought back to prevent it from happening!

Indeed, the Rules had feared the time based weaponry would very well collapse time in a knot of paradoxes and had Fred and Astra deliver their message for just that reason......

"That's what I'm here for," the Doctor finally says, "Rassilon says, "He, upon reassuming his post as Lord President (which nearly cause more than a few Supreme Council Members to Regenerate on he spot), he officially made me'Good Will' ambassador (as well as 'my' Romana in absentia) to the universe at large. He told me personally that I was given license to what I had been doing already. That is, intervening in outside cultures."

What with you having a better track record than most Gallifreyians in not messing up when you intervene, Ragan put in, At least, not usually. There are a few accidents here and there....though nothing like the scale of what that one species who nearly drove themselves to extinction and saw the Time Lords as gods when they stepped in and gifted them with high technology and such.....

"So the Time Lords join a Federation of Planets....but only in secret, more or less," Ragan says finally, "They will join with another set of secretive, mysterious time traveling group to ally against the Celeste. They have given the Doctor leave to intervene with the outside universe but are still reluctant to intervene themselves....since they've had less than stellar success in past incidents, no offense meant."

That brings an almost visible wince from the Doctor.

"They brought my friends TARDIS...the one disguised as a room back at Saint Cedd....and Rassilon personally presented Sa...Professor Chronotis with a full pardon," the Doctor says, "The other Doctors have gone off to their other universes to visit and see if they can help with their analogous versions to make sure they are all right. And now here we are at the Logopolis to help Betty's universe....if old Rassilon is correct....."

  1. So they land.

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