Multiversal Geographic

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 110838

"Loneliness can't be all that bad," I mutter to myself, as I pick up the yellow-bordered magazine, and wonder why that sounded so damned familiar. By Crom, would my life ever make sense? As I think that oath, I feel a brief spasm of horror--Crom was a false god who was stamped out ages ago. What god do I even worship? Well, I'd figure that out later.

The magazine was called Multiversal Geographic. A flash of memory breaks in from somewhere--it had been brought out by a giant slug called Rkkprat Mardack, and now embraced Dark Tower collapse denial, claiming the thinnies were nothing to be worried about. I see a photograph in its pages of a place that seems strangely familiar. Gradually, the room around me begins to fade and I find myself there.

Where have I gone?

  1. A version of Allaria that's ruled by vampires
  2. A version of New York where a woman called Stacy Jones is running from murderous robots
  3. The nightmare realm of Naebolg
  4. The city of Crystal Tokyo (from some show called Sailor Moon)
  5. A Staircase Room that's identical to this one except all the couches are purple

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