Dayton, Ohio -- 19 Something and 5

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 110805

Mitchell finds Scott Childers outside of the library in its enclosed lobby, having been thrown through one of the large picture windows earlier. At first, Mitchell is shocked at the sight, and he begins to wonder why he didn't even hear the altercation. He comes to his senses when he sees that Scott is in really bad shape, lying in broken glass and a pool of his own blood.

Acting quickly, Mitchell has two of his coworkers evacuate the library while he calls emergency services. The paramedics and police show up quickly. One of the paramedics is the overly emotional type and he goes through his typical emotional breakdown before he actually starts helping his fellow medics load Scott into the ambulance.

Mitchell gives a statement to the police while investigators tie off the scene of the crime and take a closer look at it. Detectives arrive at the scene and begin to interview the library patrons who had been escorted outside.

  1. Scott is taken to the hospital, where he is kept for observation.
  2. Right after the ambulance containing Scott departs, it is blindsided by a speeding truck. Scott bounces out of the vehicle.
  3. A clumsy investigator trips and face plants into the pile of glass.
  4. Detective John Munch appears. Things have gotten very serious now.
  5. It turns out that Mitchell had been the one to throw Scott through the window. This fact had somehow slipped his mind.

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