
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 109561

The merchant fondly referred to the statue as "Ava" and felt confident marking her price up significantly from what it had been desperately lowered to. Sure enough, inside three weeks Ava was sold and the merchant was much better off for it.

The statue was set up in the foyer of a small building which a peasant woman called Thadia used to teach dancing classes. She had only a very small number of pupils and she hoped that the statue would enhance the ambiance and help to draw more students.

This attempt was at least moderately successful, and she soon found herself living significantly more comfortably with the extra funds. She continued her practice, and there Ava stood, for a very long time. That is, until after seven years, when

  1. somewhere far off, the sorceress who had cast the enchantment perished, and the stone returned to flesh.
  2. a magician found his way into Thadia's dance lessons, and noticed something magically... off about the statue in her foyer.

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