Parallel Storylines (Fred & Velus): Mismatched Companions

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 108188

Having just been insulted by Fred, Velus isn't about to admit that he has no idea of how to proceed, even if he could work out how to convey that information. Unfortunately, with Astra having been teleported away, no scent trail has been left for him to follow. So he strikes off in a random direction. Fred follows, his belief that Velus knows what he is doing having been bolstered by the teen-dog's having led him to the hoard.

As they make their way out of the cavern by a tunnel on its far side, Fred finds himself wondering who the owners of the items not belonging to Astra - the two ball gowns in particular - were and what their fate might have been. The gowns had been unexpected things to find among the dragon's treasure, though their workmanship is very fine. He has plenty of time to speculate, as they continue walking for some time. Or rather Velus scampers, while Fred - many times the size of the small dog - has to proceed very slowly so as not to finish up on top of him.

Then Velus picks up a faint scent wafting down the passage towards them. He thinks that it might be human, but he can't be sure as the only human that he's had a chance to smell since being turned into a dog is Astra. He's certain that it isn't Astra herself, however.

Just ahead the tunnel turns sharply. Rounding the bend they see the source of the scent:

  1. A knight who, as soon as he see Fred, draws his sword.
  2. Two young woman wearing only their underclothes. Presumably they are the rightful owners of the ball gowns, but how do they come to be in the caves?
  3. Belboz, seemingly back from the dead!
  4. Velus is wrong about the scent probably being that of a human. It actually belongs to a dwarf.
  5. Velus is well wide of the mark. The source of the scent isn't a human, or even a member of another intelligent race. It's from a... [Could be animal, vegetable or mineral.]

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