
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 10750

So they do, and so it's done. All however, wonder just why Inquirer has a particular twinkle in her eye. The situation was hardly humorous, considering the combined firepower of all the Cybermen would surely knock Sigin from the skies well before the noble dragon could reach the TARDIS or destroy all the Cybermen. See, while magic was nice, technological weaponry had range on it in cases like this (as well as being faster....since you can squeeze a trigger faster than throw a spell.....

".....and the Cybermen Leader keeps saying 'Excellent' a lot?" the female AI/Golem smiled, pulling out various odd components from her cloak .

"Er....yes," Dr. Who says, looking at Inquirer oddly, "That and sharing his races rather rude behavior of taking others and turning them into fellow Cybermen. Sort of like the Borg of Star Trek."

All not of Dr. Who's group of adventurers look at each other in askance, not having been graced (in their universe) with seeing the rebirth of Star Trek OR being born in a Star Trek universe.... (the Original Series was the ONLY series of Star Trek).

"So I guess that a little sniping isn't out of order or out of line," the AI smiles. The deal with not being able to deal with the Master in a matter that wouldn't leave him at their back had rubbed her the wrong way back in the Capital.

Here was an enemy who weren't even of enough social standing for a trail by justice. It was a "shoot on sight" deal with Cybermen.

Nobody objected in that vein.

"Good hunting?" the Brigadier says as Inquirer pulls up the hood of her cloak and disappears.

The Brig looks over at Dr. Who and then shakes his head.

"You always did have the talent in getting me into the most odd situations," he says yet again as he had said to the second Doctor......

"And we have come across a TARDIS and readings indicate they are occupied," a Cyberman Lieutenant says to the Leader behind a rock, "In accordance with standing orders we are attempting to force entry. We shall then enter into the time pod and extract the occupants so to ascertain the reason why we were brought here."

"Excellent!" the Leader says before beginning to give amplifying orders....only to be interrupted by a laugh.

A blast of plasma takes the head of his Lieutenant clean off and another severs the head of the Leader.

That was the last of the Cybermen except for a small band left back at the TARDIS itself who were attempting to ascertain just WHAT had happened to the other Cybermen that Inquirer had sniped from long range with her plasma rifle quiet effectively (she'd been doing this for over 20 years...ever since being "born").

"Dude," Inquirer says softly (while making a quasi-fist with litle finger and thumb held out to the sides), shaking her head before calling the others with a standard issue "radio" that was tuned to work with E'ysha's combadge that she kept for old times sake in a pocket.

After Sigin flames the remaining Cybermen (and healing the hurts a few stray bolts cause him), the others gather in front of the TARDIS.....

Tegan and the others exit the ship, all looking rather stunned at what they'd witnessed on the scanner. The Doctors had seen their other selves outside and the strangers had said that the.....dragon....was a fellow Champion (?) so it was okay. So they'd opened up the door to meet the neighbors.....

"Oh rabbits," Tegan mutters.

  1. Inquirer bites back any smart-ass comments about that little one and watches the fun......

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