In Which Annabella Remembers

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 104865

Belboz, unbeknownst to his bride, plants many years of happy yet simple memories in her mind, and she suddenly has to blink back tears. How could she have forgotten? She takes his face in her hands and whispers, "I remember you."

She goes through with the ceremony, and she and Belboz are officially husband and wife. Immediately they head back to Belboz's home, and begin to live as such.

The following day, Annabella goes to look in a mirror, as she realizes that though she remembers her husband, she cannot, in fact, recall much else. She is a strikingly pretty blonde, about twenty years old if she were to hazard a guess. She considers telling Belboz that she still cannot remember much other than him, but decides not to trouble him.

One morning a month or two into their marriage, Annabella wakes up to find...

  1. her belly is looking a bit swollen.
  2. she has transformed into a man.
  3. Belboz has arranged a vacation for them.
  4. they have a guest, for the first time since their wedding.

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