No place for God.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 10441

The staff shrunk and took on a more modest size in his hand as the ground opened around him and threads of cotton spun instantly around his frame and he took on the look of a cleric. When he approached the city the gatekeeper was surprised at his presence. "Come to heal the city with God's word, father?" He laughed. "I come to trade, sir. God has nothing to do with my visit." "You surprise me cleric. God has everything to do with everything you do, and this Varga is no place for God. Move on, the blade of your guilt draws no blood in this city." "You surprise me, sir. I am of no harm to anyone." "Hah!" He laughed and rubbed his dirty bald head "The clerics have two gods, medicine and Him, Science and Spirit, Alchemy and the almighty. You are harmful to everyone here. Now move on. NEXT!" Fred chuckled and retired to the patch of dirt where he first arrived. "A new identity, Staff, I must reconsider my approach to Varga."

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