Mildred and Wallace

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 104182

Fred wakes up in a stone tunnel with no memory. He sits up, thinking he must be underground. Not far off down the tunnel, he hears a feminine murmur. "Who's there?" he asks.

There is no intelligible response, and he goes to find whoever made the noise. He comes across a pretty young woman lying on the stone floor, wearing a dirty white dress. "Who are you?" he asks.

She sits up, rubbing her head. "I don't know. Who are you?"

He scratches his own head. "I don't know either."

"Do you remember anything?"


"Nor do I."

"So neither of us has any memories?" She shrugs. After a moment of silence, he says, "Isn't that rather odd?"

"I should think so," she says. "Do you think we know each other?"


"Perhaps we should decide on what we will call each other."

"Okay." He thinks. "You look like a... Mildred."

"And you look like a Wallace."

And so Millie and Wally exchange greetings. They puzzle over what to do for a while, and decide they ought to begin moving through the tunnel. It looks exactly the same on both sides. They go...

  1. left.
  2. right.

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