In their blood (part 2)

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 10186

"......Tower.....serves as something like a....well.....Home Office."

The Agent and Rules look directly at the Doctor, who looks....a bit green around the gill by what has been said.

"Doctor....we tell you of this for we do not wish to appear domineering," Rule 1 says softly. "Yes, we are powerful.....but we are also very much humble servants to those all powerful gods or god that I and Agent 1 won't reveal by name. We do not wish to appear as gods, for we are NOT. We wish to fulfill our we see them. There is a lot not being said here, for it would be.....betraying trusts. But let it be known that as things are now, we Rules and Agents share a stake in what also effects you and your friends. We know that what you'll be doing appears to be..... extremely coercive, but believe's the best we could do."


Then the Doctor nods slowly, and the Rule and Agent sigh and nod also.

"And I think we have a few more questions," Rule 1 sighs. "Fine, but I'll answer them right now before they are asked....the other Doctors are really wondering just WHY they aren't getting anywhere. As for the question of will the Doctor and Companions be able to visit Betty 2's world after all this is over, the answer is no. The sad fact of the matter is once the Doctor completes his task....he'll become an Eternal Champion...who's assigned area is the universes of Terra Prime, his original universe, and the universes of the original Doctors. FYI, you will need to get the other Doctors and anyone who got dragged into this universe by what the Master did off this TARDIS before you attempt departing the universe. You'll just strain the ship for nothing. Ditto for attempts for them to leave via other means....just too anchored to this universe....afraid. Yes, Betty 2....I don't see why not you can't get your cats and Blake 7 videos, but don't miss the bus when the TARDIS leaves....since you're just dying to be his Companion. Yes, the other redhaired Betties are stuck as they are. Well, the other Doctors may complain about being stuck here in Terra Prime, but they jolly well better remember that they're alive anywhere! No, I nor my counterpart have any objects at who stays or goes as Companions, Melissa who is now an elf. Yes! Wendy Fletcher went out and dated Richard Pini...and eventually married him. Oh, and they formed Warp graphics and produced Elfquest. Yes, Kuriel IS from that universe that mimiced Elfquest. Eh, what happened? Well, sorry. That's something you'll have to ask him in a bit over eight years. He and his friends need to get born again and all. Yes, on Terra place we could put Kuriel and the other Elfquest elves on short notice." "Don't, by the way, ever try merging the TARDIS with it's earlier of later self so that they occupy the same space at the same time," Agent 1 murmurs to the Doctor. "That's another thing we needed to tell you personally. Had a serious problem with that a bit ago."

The Doctor, knowing what such a temporal and physical paradox could do to a universe as a whole.....just turns white at the very thought.

"It's too horrible to contemplate," he whispers to himself, shivering.

"Finally, as for the Doctor....a bit of good news about the meddling Author C (for Chump) Scott Chen," Rule 1 finishes up. "Instead of turning the Romana against you, Scott's meddling backfired on him and the young Time Lady (a title they really should make official) got to really like what she learned of bit by the same bug that bit you....and now is actually wandering the universe.....your universe....meddling in affairs to make things better. That's why you have two of those small tokenized TARDISes instead of three."

"Good luck and my you do well," the Agent says with a final bow (oddly courtly in his biker garb). Rule and Agent vanish......

Rule 4 ends the show, and the others blink and are suddenly floored by what is actually being offered here. They each are being offered to become a Champion!

Unlike the other offerees, they had heard stories and legends of it. They'd heard ballads sung of the heroic deeds done by Champions.

It was a dream come true and they jump at the offer before the Rule can even make it!

See, the Rules and Agents are careful in who they pick (when they get the chance). They approach people who have a certain.....spark.....a seed within them that could burst forth into a Hero! A person who loves making a difference. Saving the day. Righting wrongs and all that good stuff.

The transformation of a mortal into a Champion is a process that feeds that desire, and makes it bloom..... and makes the Champion forevermore love being what they've suites them....and it helps the Rules and Agents out when they need help with certain problems they can't handle by themselves for various reasons.

  1. The two would be Champions stagger as they feel the room spin.

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