Re: 205:A

Date: Wed Mar 19 2003 - 18:41:15 PST

--On Thursday, March 20, 2003 1:13 PM +1100 Steve Gardner 
<> wrote:

> Round 205: PROPOSAL A
> For the duration of Round 205, Regular Ordinance 6 is amended to read:
>     6. Judge.  The Judge is responsible for interpreting the ordinances
>        and determining the validity of fantasy rules. If a fantasy rule
>        is inconsistent with itself, or the regular ordinances, then the
>        Judge shall declare that rule invalid or unsuccessful. If a
>        fantasy rule is inconsistent with a previously posted fantasy rule
>        or rules, then the Judge shall declare the rule to be valid if
>        and only if it has higher precedence than the rule or rules with
>        which it is in conflict, according to the rules for determining
>        precedence then in force.



Rule Date: 2003-03-20 02:41:33 GMT

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