Round 200: Mid-Round Summary

From: Jeff Weston (Sir Toby) (
Date: Thu Jan 16 2003 - 14:43:05 PST

The Bicentennial Celebration of Round 200 is well underway! With 10 Rules
already submitted within the first three days, and only being partway
through the first week, it looks like the celebrations have only just
begun! Here is a summary of everything that's happened so far:

Rule Judgements:

Rule    Submitter             Validity      Style  Time Submitted
------  --------------------  ------------  -----  -----------------------
200:01  Jeremy Selengut       Valid         +2.25  2003-01-13 20:14:52 GMT
200:02  Christian Leonhard    Valid         -0.50  2003-01-13 20:17:12 GMT
200:03  Alan Riddell          Valid         +1.25  2003-01-13 23:55:34 GMT
200:04  Karl Low              Valid         +1.25  2003-01-14 02:14:19 GMT
200:05  Jonathan David Amery  Invalid       +1.00  2003-01-14 03:32:22 GMT
200:06  Jonathan David Amery  Valid         +2.50  2003-01-14 03:41:25 GMT
200.07  Ed Murphy             Valid         +1.75  2003-01-14 05:06:08 GMT
200:08  Jeremy Selengut       Valid         +1.00  2003-01-14 15:43:26 GMT
200:09  Richard S. Holmes     Valid         +0.50  2003-01-14 19:29:35 GMT
200:10  Ed Murphy             Valid         -0.50  2003-01-15 04:12:36 GMT

Eligibility and Style Points:

Player                Eligible Until           Style
--------------------  -----------------------  -----
Ed Murphy             2003-01-22 04:12:36 GMT  +1.25
Richard S. Holmes     2003-01-21 19:29:35 GMT  +0.50
Jeremy Selengut       2003-01-21 15:43:26 GMT  +3.25
Jonathan David Amery  2003-01-21 03:41:25 GMT  +3.50
Karl Low              2003-01-21 02:14:19 GMT  +1.25
Alan Riddell          2003-01-20 23:55:34 GMT  +1.25
Christian Leonhard    2003-01-20 20:17:12 GMT  -0.50

Everyone Else         2003-01-20 20:14:52 GMT   0.00

---------------------------- Rule 200:1 ----------------------------

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 12:34:58 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)" <>
To: "Frc (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Re: 200:1 VALID +2.25

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Selengut, Jeremy wrote:

> Bicentennial rule submission:
> *************************
> I set off the first of the fireworks, a blue roman candle, in a graceful
> arch over our FaiR City.  It moves slowly and will burn long - 10 seconds to
> be precise.
> Each valid rule shall commence while there is at least one firework in the
> sky.
> No valid rule shall make it impossible for a subsequent rule to be
> fashioned.
> No valid rule shall commence earlier than one second after the previous rule
> (because the duration of a rule is precisely one second).  [Of course, the
> duration of the fireworks touched off by a rule may last longer, and valid
> rules apply to all subsequent rules for the duration of the round as is set
> out by the R.O.'s]
> *************************
> -Jeremy Selengut  {HAPPY BICENTCIRCUMNAL FRC!!!}

Validity: No problems here. It is quite hard to make the first Rule of a
Round invalid. Rule is VALID.

Style: Good first Rule for the Round. Sticks to the theme quite nicely.
Has some restrictions that I particularly like, that also stick to and
enforce the theme. Follows all of its restrictions, assuming that the
firework was set off at the start of the Rule and the Rule commenced while
the firework was in the sky. +1.5 for a first rule that sticks to and
enforces the theme. +0.5 for having restrictions that I like. +0.25 for
following the restrictions.  Total style: +2.25

---------------------------- Rule 200:2 ----------------------------

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 12:55:58 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)" <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: Re: 200:2 VALID -1.00

Renumbered from 200:1 to 200:2.

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Leonhard, Christian wrote:

> BEGIN 200:1>
> In recognition of the FRC bicentennial, take heed: Each and every future
> rule in the current round shall contain precisely 200 characters or symbols,
> no more, no less, including punctuation, but not including spaces or other
> whitespace.
> <END 200:1

Validity: No problems here. The firework from 200:1 is still in the sky,
assuming that Rules will commence immediately after one another unless
specified otherwise. It is still possible for a subsequent Rule to be
fashioned. It does not attempt to commence earlier than one second after
the previous Rule. Rule is VALID.

Style: +0.00 for barely sticking to the theme. -0.50 for having a
restriction I don't like. -0.50 for a restriction that has nothing to do
with the theme. -0.25 for a restriction that adds boring busy work for me.
-0.25 for a restriction that is too restrictive for this early in the
Round. +0.25 for following its own restriction. +0.25 for being short.
Total style: -1.00

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 18:32:10 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)" <>
Subject: 200:2 Style Adjustment

My apologies to Christian Leonhard for my hasty judgement of 200:2. I see
now that the restriction does relate to the theme, in that it uses the
Bicentennial Round number (200) in it. I remove the -0.50 penalty for a
restriction that has nothing to do with the theme.

The Style for 200:2 is now -0.5.

---------------------------- Rule 200:3 ----------------------------

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:15:09 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)" <>
To: frc <>
Subject: Re: 200:3 VALID +1.25

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Alan Riddell wrote:

> We know the Fireworks Regulatory Counsel demands that in official events
> like the ongoing Bicentennial Celebrations that each firework must be a
> unique colour.
> As such I set off a Flaming Red Cluster sending brilliant plumes into the
> sky.

Validity: No problems here. The firework from 200:1 is still in the sky,
in addition to the new firework set off in this Rule. It is still possible
for subsequent Rules to be fashioned. It does not attempt to commence
earlier than one second after the previous Rule. The Rule is exactly 200
characters (excluding whitespace) long. Rule is VALID.

Style: +0.25 for advancing the theme. +0.25 for a nice restriction that
relates to the theme. +0.5 for a restriction that is followed ay all Rules
in the Round. +0.25 for being short. Total style: +1.25

---------------------------- Rule 200:4 ----------------------------

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 19:06:33 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)" <>
To: FRC <>
Subject: Re: 200:4 UNSUCCESSFUL +1.25

Renumbered from 200:3 to 200:4.

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Karl Low wrote:

> It seems Leonhard forgot to mention that the phrase "precisely 200
> characters or symbols, no more, no less, including punctuation, but not
> including spaces or other whitespace." is actually the long name of the
> official FRC celebratory balloons. Perhaps if e had, it would have been
> more understandable why e wanted everybody to have one in eir rule.

Validity: This gets a little tricky now... The firework from 200:1 is
still in the sky. It is still possible for subsequent Rules to be
fashioned. It does not attempt to commence earlier than one second after
the previous Rule. The Rule is NOT 200 characters (excluding whitespace)
long, it is 293 characters (excluding whitespace) long, and so potentially
runs afoul of 200:2. The Rule does not fire off any additional fireworks,
so it is safe from 200:3's restriction.

The tricky part is that it attempts to further clarify the restriction of
200:2. Since I am not terribly fond of the restriction in 200:2, I am
certainly open to alternative interpretations of it. This would be a great
idea if it occurred immediately after 200:2. However, Rule 200:3 has been
posted in the meantime, and it has been declared Valid according to my
original interpretation of the restriction in 200:2. The new
interpretation would be inconsistent with Rule 200:3, as Rule 200:3 does
not contain the phrase "precisely 200 characters or symbols, no more, no
less, including punctuation, but not including spaces or other
whitespace." Unfortunately, 200:4 doesn't appear to leave room for using
either determination as needed for affected Rules.

Since the author sent the Rule as 200:3, I assume that e was unaware that
200:3 had already been posted. Therefore, I declare this rule

Style: +0.25 for advancing the theme. +0.25 for being short. -0.25 for not
having a restriction of its own. +1.00 for taming the restriction in
200:2. Total style: +1.25

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 19:32:35 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)" <>
To: FRC <>
Subject: (REVISED) 200:4 VALID +1.25

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Karl Low wrote:

> It seems Leonhard forgot to mention that the phrase "precisely 200
> characters or symbols, no more, no less, including punctuation, but not
> including spaces or other whitespace." is actually the long name of the
> official FRC celebratory balloons. Perhaps if e had, it would have been
> more understandable why e wanted everybody to have one in eir rule.

Validity: Same as before except that I've now been convinced that the Rule
adds additional interpretations for 200:2 without specifying one to take
precedence over another. Therefore, Rule 200:3 is not inconsistent with
this Rule. Rule is VALID.

Style: Style is still +1.25

---------------------------- Rule 200:5 ----------------------------

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 19:58:04 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)" <>
To: FRC <>
Subject: Re: 200:5 INVALID +1.00

On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Jonathan David Amery wrote:

>                  :
>    ...:::===>   .:
>           .--.  ::
>          /    \ ||
>       /\'  /\  `||      Each rule
>       ||| |oo| |||      must contain
>       ||.  \/  .\/      a depiction
>       || \    /         of an item
>       ::  `--'          present at
>       `:   <===:::...   the FRC
>        :   ##           bicentennial
>            ##           celebrations
>            ##
>            ##
> -----------------------
> (Green Catherine Wheel)

Validity: The firework from 200:1 is still in the sky, in addition to the
firework apparantly fired into the sky during this Rule. It is still
possible for a subsequent Rule to be fashioned. It does not attempt to
commence earlier than one second after the previous Rule. The Rule is NOT
200 characters (excluding whitespace) long, it is 202 characters
(excluding whitespace) long. Neither does the Rule contain the phrase
"precisely 200 characters or symbols, no more, no less, including
punctuation, but not including spaces or other whitespace." Neither does
the Rule contain a FRC celebratory balloon. The Rule runs afoul of 200:2.
The firework that is set off during the Rule is a unique color. The Rule
specifies a restriction that applies to each Rule, but only this Rule
follows the restriction, thus the Rule is also inconsistent with 200:1,
200:2, 200:3, and 200:4. This Rule is INVALID.

Style: +0.25 for advancing the theme. +0.25 for following its own
restriction. +0.50 for a restriction that I like. Total style: +1.00

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 20:30:59 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)" <>
To: The Fantasy Rules Committe <>
Subject: Re: 200:5 INVALID +1.00

On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Steve Gardner wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Jeff Weston (Sir Toby) wrote:
> > Validity: ... The Rule is NOT 200 characters (excluding whitespace)
> > long, it is 202 characters (excluding whitespace) long.
> Um, I make it 200 characters long. I calculated this by dumping the Rule
> into a vim editor, deleting all spaces the with ':%s/ //g', and using wc to
> count the characters. And I've double-checked by hand.

Hmm... You are correct. I checked again and came up with 200 characters
this time. In any case, the Rule still imposes a restriction on each Rule
that not every Rule follows.

---------------------------- Rule 200:6 ----------------------------

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 20:16:12 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)" <>
To: FRC <>
Subject: Re: 200:6 VALID +2.50

On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Jonathan David Amery wrote:

>   .----.
>  /      \   FRC balloons
> '        `  all have one
> | Orange |  word exactly
> |        |  on the side.
> `        '
>  \      /
>   \    /
>    \  /
>     \/
>   .-'
>  ><
>   `-
> ----------
> ( precisely 200 characters or symbols, no )
> (more no less, including punctuation, but )
> (not including spaces or other whitespace.)

Validity: The firework from 200:1 is still in the sky. It is still
possible for a subsequent Rule to be fashioned. It does not attempt to
commence earlier than one second after the previous Rule.  The Rule is
exactly 200 characters (excluding whitespace) long. The Rule contains the
phrase "precisely 200 characters or symbols, no more, no less, including
punctuation, but not including spaces or other whitespace." The Rule
contains a FRC celebratory balloon. The Rule does not set off any new
fireworks. This Rule is VALID.

Style: +2.0 for following all three current interpretations for 200:2's
restriction. +0.25 for following its own restriction. +0.25 for following
the restrictions of invalid Rules as well. Doesn't really advance the
theme or have a restriction that relates to the theme all too much, so no
Style bonus there. Total style: +2.50

---------------------------- Rule 200:7 ----------------------------

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 21:33:57 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)" <>
To: FRC <>
Subject: Re: 200:7 VALID +1.75

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Ed Murphy wrote:

> [ 200:7 begins below this line ]
>                .   .
>           .             .
>       .       ^     v       .
>    .     v       x       ^     .
>  .           +       +           .
> .   .   ^        *        v   .   .
>  .           x       x           .
>    .     v       +       ^     .
>       .       ^     v       .
>           .             .
>                .   .
> There's a Mello Yello; it'll last for five seconds.
> No rule may fire off more than one firework.
> (This announcement brought to you by the Fire depaRtment Council)
> Blah blah, 200, blah blah...
> [ 200:7 ends above this line ]

Validity: The firework from 200:1 is still in the sky, in addition to the
firework fired into the sky during this Rule. It is still possible for a
subsequent Rule to be fashioned. It does not attempt to commence earlier
than one second after the previous Rule. The Rule is exactly 200
characters (excluding whitespace) long. The firework that is set off
during the Rule is a unique color. The rule does not contain any FRC

Style: +0.50 for a restriction that I like. +0.25 for following its own
restriction. +0.50 for a restriction that is followed by all Rules in the
Round. +0.25 for following the restrictions of invalid Rules as well.
+0.25 for advancing the theme. Total style: +1.75

---------------------------- Rule 200:8 ----------------------------

Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 09:30:30 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)" <>
To: "Frc (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Re: 200:8 VALID +1.00

On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Selengut, Jeremy wrote:

> Here beginneth the rule:
> Just after the glow of my roman candle fades to black, I launch a "willow
> tree".  It will take 2 seconds for the rocket to get to its maximum height
> at which time it will explode, releasing precisely 200 spring green
> characters or symbols, no more no less, including punctuation, but not
> including spaces or other whitespace, which will gracefully float downward.
> It will be another 5 seconds before they all fade.
> No one may launch a firework while one that they previously launched is
> still visible in the sky.  (By the way, the duration of a firework always
> ends when it ceases to be visible from the ground.)
> So as to avoid overly short duration fireworks, henceforth, no valid rule
> lacking the launch of a firework can be submitted from an author who does
> not have a firework visible from the ground at that time.
> No rule may purport to begin prior to the end of a previous valid rule (one
> at a time, please, in chronological order).
> Here endeth the rule!
> -Jeremy Selengut

Validity: Things are getting tricky now. This Rule is the first to specify
when it occurs. The fireworks from 200:1 and 200:7 are no longer in the
sky. However, the firework put into the air during this rule satisfies
200:1's first requirement. It is still possible for a subsequent Rule to
be fashioned. It does not attempt to commence earlier than one second
after the previous Rule. The Rule is NOT 200 characters (excluding
whitespace) long, it is 769 characters (excluding whitespace) long.
Neither does the rule contain the exact magic phrase from 200:2, nor does
it contain a FRC Cellabratory Balloon. The firework launched in the Rule,
however, does contain exactly 200 characters (excluding whitespace), and
that's good enough for me for meeting 200:2's restriction. The firework
that is set off during the Rule is a unique color. The rule does not
contain any FRC Balloons. The Rule does not set off more than one
firework. The Rule is VALID.

Style: +0.50 for finding and exploiting yet another loophole around
200:2's character limit. +0.25 for advancing the theme. +0.25 for
following it's own restrictions. +0.50 for restrictions that I like.
-0.50 for specifying a restriction that is already in force (200:8's third
restriction is already handled by 200:1's third restriction). Total style:

---------------------------- Rule 200:9 ----------------------------

Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:37:44 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)" <>
To: "Frc (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Re: Rule 200:9 VALID +0.50

On 14 Jan 2003, Richard S. Holmes wrote:

> I set off this bargain basement firework I bought last July.  It lasts
> 4 seconds and explodes in a brilliant display of .... beige???  Sigh.
> You get what you pay for.
> Still, what a party, eh?  Seems like everybody who's anybody from the
> world of books, comics, and films is here:
> There's a big contingent from The Lord of the Rings:
>     Frodo
>     Sam
>     Aragorn
>     Gimli
>     Legolas
>     Boromir
>     Gandalf (should've bought my firework from him, eh?)
>     Sauron
>     Wormtongue
>     Saruman
>     Eowyn
>     Galadriel
>     Tom Bombadil
>     Elrond
>     Treebeard
> While just a random few from the Foundation Trilogy:
>     Hari Seldon
>     Arkady Darrell
>     The Mule
>     Preem Palver
> From various Disney films come:
>     Snow White
>     The Seven Dwarves
>     Beauty
>     The Beast
>     Lady
>     The Tramp
> and from a certain novel by Herman Melville:
>     Ishmael
>     Ahab
>     Moby Dick (watching balefully from offshore)
> From the works of Mark Twain:
>     Tom Sawyer
>     Becky Thatcher
>     Aunt Polly
>     Huckleberry Finn
>     Jim
>     The Duke
>     The Dauphin
> and from the works of Arthur Conan Doyle:
>     Sherlock Holmes
>     Dr Watson
>     Mycroft Holmes
>     Moriarty
> A raucus delegation from Looney Tunes:
>     Bugs Bunny
>     Daffy Duck
>     Sylvester
>     Tweety
>     Yosemite Sam
>     Coyote
>     Road Runner
>     Pepe LePew
>     Marvin the Martian
> and several from Dr Seuss:
>     The Cat In the Hat
>     Thing One
>     Thing Two
>     The Grinch
> From a certain show on Nickelodeon:
>     Spongebob Squarepants
>     Patrick
>     Squidward
>     Mr Krabs
> From The Wizard of Oz:
>     Dorothy
>     Cowardly Lion
>     Tin Man
>     Scarecrow
>     The Wizard of Oz
>     Good Witch of the North
> A token few from the works of Robert Heinlein:
>     Valentine Michael Smith
>     Lazarus Long
>     Jubal Harshaw
> Several personages from Star Wars:
>     Luke Skywalker
>     Princess Leia
>     Han Solo
>     Chewbacca
>     R2D2
>     C-3PO
>     Obi-Wan Kenobi
>     Darth Vader
>     Jabba the Hutt
>     Yoda
>     Jar Jar Binks
>     Padme Amidala
>     Boba Fett
> From DC Comics:
>     Batman
>     Robin
>     The Riddler
>     The Joker
>     The Penguin
>     Superman
>     Supergirl
>     Lex Luthor
>     Spider-Man
> and from The Sandman:
>     Destiny
>     Dream
>     Death
>     Desire
>     Despair
>     Delirium
>     Destruction
> A motley lot from Shakespeare:
>     Romeo
>     Juliet
>     Mercutio
>     Oberon
>     Titania
>     Ariel
>     Umbriel
>     Bottom
>     Falstaff
>     King Lear
>     Cordelia
> And from Disney, again:
>     Mickey Mouse
>     Minnie Mouse
>     Donald Duck
> From Jim Henson:
>     Kermit
>     Fozzie
>     Miss Piggy
>     Ralph
>     Dr Teeth
>     Zoot
>     Swedish Chef
>     Gonzo
>     Scooter
> And then there are the ones from the comics pages... several from Doonesbury:
>     Mike Doonesbury
>     Uncle Duke
>     Zonker Harris
>     Zipper Harris
>     B.D.
>     Boopsie
>     Joanie Caucus
>     Rick Redfern
>     Mr Butts
> And several more from Peanuts:
>     Charlie Brown
>     Snoopy
>     Linus
>     Lucy
>     Schroeder
>     Peppermint Patty
>     Pigpen
>     Woodstock
> From Frank and Ernest, rather obviously:
>     Frank
>     Ernest
> And from Mr Boffo, rather less obviously:
>     Weederman
> Back to the TV for a trio from Blackadder:
>     Edmund Blackadder
>     Baldrick
>     Lord Melchett
> and their friends from Fawlty Towers:
>     Basil Fawlty
>     Sybil Fawlty
>     Manuel
>     Polly
> More Brits from Doctor Who:
>     The Doctor
>     K-9
>     Romana
>     The Master
> While from Star Trek we have:
>     James T. Kirk
>     Spock
>     Leonard H. McCoy
>     Montgomery Scott
>     Uhura
>     Chekhov
>     Sulu
>     Jean-Luc Picard
>     Beverly Crusher
>     Deanna Troi
>     William Riker
>     Q
> Speaking of Q, there's another one in this group from the books of Ian Fleming:
>     James Bond
>     M
>     Q
>     Miss Moneypenny
> From the fiction of Stephen Brust:
>     Vlad Taltos
>     Kragar
>     Morrollan
>     Sethra Lavode
>     Aliera
>     Cawti
>     Khaavren
>     Pel
>     Tazendra
>     Aerich
> From the Discworld:
>     Rincewind
>     Twoflower
>     Death
>     Vetinari
>     Sam Vimes
>     Granny Weatherwax
>     Nanny Ogg
>     Magrat Garlick
>     Chancellor Ridcully
>     The Bursar
>     Ponder Stibbons
>     The Librarian
>     Cohen the Barbarian
> And of course:
>     Gilligan
>     The Skipper
>     Thurston Howell III
>     Mrs Howell
>     Ginger
>     The Professor
>     Mary Ann
> Oh, and Gandalf wants me to say this: The most exciting fireworks
> shows always have at least three fireworks in the air at any time.
> Future rules should follow Gandalf's advice.

Validity: Things get even more tricky now. The firework from 200:8 is
still in the sky, in addition to the firework fired off in this Rule. It
is still possible for a subsequent Rule to be fashioned, although not
every committee member will be capable of doing so. It does not attempt to
commence earlier than one second after the previous Rule. The Rule
contains exactly 200 characters, none of which are named "space", or any
of the other whitespace names such as "tab", "carriage return", or "new
line". One character is named "Snow White", but I don't think that counts
as a form of whitespace. The firework that is set off during the Rule is a
unique color. The rule does not contain any FRC Balloons. The Rule does
not set off more than one firework. There are no other fireworks in the
sky from this committee member. This Rule does not lack the launch of a
firework. This Rule does not try to begin prior to the end of a previous
valid Rule. The Rule is VALID.

Style: +0.50 for finding and exploiting yet another loophole around
200:2's character limit. -0.50 for being quite long. +0.50 for a
restriction that I like. +0.50 for adding a new dimension to the theme by
really getting the celebration started bringing 200 story characters to
the party.  -0.25 for not following its own restriction. -0.25 for not
bringing Sir Toby (from Shakespeare's Twelth Night) to the party. Total
style: +0.50

---------------------------- Rule 200:10 ----------------------------

Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 21:05:34 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)" <>
To: FRC <>
Subject: Re: 200:10 VALID -0.50

On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Ed Murphy wrote:

> [200:10 begins below this line]
> Here comes an Agent Orange.
>            *
>       *    *    *
>        *   *   *
>         *     *
>      *** BOOM! ***
>         *     *
>        *   *   *
>       *    *    *
>            *
> That'll last at least three seconds, at most five.
> In this brave new era, space is at a premium.  The next valid rule shall fit
> within the McQuary limit (4 lines x 80 characters), OK?
> [200:10 ends above this line]

Hmm... A variable length firework. This is a fascinating new development.
It will be interesting to see how we determine when it ends.

Validity: Ok, long breath... The fireworks from 200:8 and 200:9 are still
in the sky, in addition to the firework fired off in this Rule. It is
still possible for a subsequent Rule to be fashioned. It does not attempt
to commence earlier than one second after the previous Rule. The Rule is
exactly 200 characters (excluding whitespace) long. The firework that is
set off during the Rule is a unique color. The Rule does not contain any
FRC Balloons. The Rule does not set off more than one firework. There are
no other fireworks in the sky from this committee member. This Rule does
not lack the launch of a firework. This Rule does not try to begin prior
to the end of a previous valid Rule. There are three fireworks in the sky
during this Rule. This Rule is VALID.

Style: -0.50 for a restriction that I don't like. -0.25 for a restriction
that only applies to the next valid Rule. -0.25 for not following its own
restriction. +0.25 for following the restrictions of invalid Rules as well
as the valid Rules. Doesn't really advance the theme or have a restriction
that relates to the theme all too much, so no Style bonus there. +0.25 for
adding the new twist of variable length fireworks. Total style: -0.50

Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)

Rule Date: 2003-01-16 22:43:17 GMT

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