Judgement 180:4b VALID [by timeout] -3

From: Aron Wall (aron_at_wall.org)
Date: Mon Apr 01 2002 - 18:27:20 PST

Karl Low wrote:

> Of course, one little known fact about fyaphics is that every single one is
> gluaddific [required to use the fyaphic defined in the VALID rule before its
> definition].  What this means is that by using one{,} each and every other
> one
> currently known is a "word used by the end of the rule" (which is the true
> meaning of zwammerbunds, by the way).  This even includes any
> splitsplotsplinksplonks, even though there are only five in existance.
> --
> Rule Date: 2002-03-28 21:12:21 GMT

Well, this rule probably should have been INVALID, because fyaphic is not
gluaddific, but due to the timeout rule, this rule is VALID.  The second
sentence here is constructed poorly but I think I know what it means now.  I
have added using curly braces a comma into the sentence to show how I interpet
it (the insertion is of course not part of the rule).  The first sentence seems
to be simply false for 180:3, as zwammerbunds do not use the definition of
splitsplotspliksplonk.  Neither does the definition of zwammerbund in this rule
use the word splitsplotsplinksplonk.  Nor does gluaddific use the word

Not only that, but substituting "word used by the end of the rule" into 180:3,
the restriction is rendered "a word used in the rule must have its proposed
description preceding it.  This is not true for all of the regular words found
in rules, and not all of the fyaphic rules either.

 Nevertheless, despite this rule being inconsistant with the previous rules in
multiple ways, I must declare it VALID.

Karl, please tell me what on earth you were thinking when you submitted this
rule, as I cannot see how on earth I should interpret this monster in a
consistant way.  If you do this I may lessen the style penalty associated with
this rule.  If you happen to give it to me in time to judge rule 180:5 in light
of this information I will be especially happy.

The Judge,

who is somewhat disappointed with his own timing.

Rule Date: 2002-04-02 02:26:57 GMT

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