Not-Quite Imaginary Friends

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 98925

"Are you aware of a witch and forest nymph called Ivy who lives in these caves?" Astra said. "Could she be behind it?"

"No," said Minestus, "I wasn't aware of her..." He did, however, appear deep in thought.

"What is it, boss?" asked Belboz, and was subsequently hushed with a hand gesture.

"This is worse than I thought," muttered Minestus, "but it offers some unique possibilities..."

"Explain," stated Astra matter-of-factly. "This whole thing is beyond old."

"Ivy the witch and forest nymph does in fact exist in these caves... in another version of Allaria. Elsewhere in the multiverse. That means that Astra here is partially adrift. She is trapped in the loop but yet not completely trapped. We could potentially latch on to her and then user our magic in that alternate version of our world to stop the loop. We can worry about getting back then...."

"Excellent!" exclaimed Belboz, but Astra just looked confused.

"What?" she asked, her statement echoing in the empty cave. She was, once again, alone.

  1. Of course she was. But the pattern soon reasserts itself.
  2. Another wave of nausea later, she is back at the table with Ivy. Astra demands answers.
  3. The pattern breaks. Astra finds herself alone for a very, very long time.

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