Ah, beloved psychosis

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 98827

Scott pulled out his swiss army knife, intent on murder. "That's not a knife!" came Josh's cocky response. "THIS is a knife!" And, indeed, it was.

Josh had pulled out a giant razor shop machete out of his Backpack of Infinite Usefulness®*, and proceeded to use this machete to brutally disembowel Scott, in a not unkind way. "There there," he said with a grin, as Scott's intestines unwound onto the hot desert sand, "rest now, my friend."

The only thing that Beth and Krissy could do was scream. Josh ignored them, and continued on his way. "Shall we move on?" he asked, leaving them writhing on the ground in the death throes of dehydration.

* - He stole this backpack from someone in Perth. That person had bargained their very soul for it. They are not happy it is gone.

  1. Miles later, Josh realizes what he has done. "Ffffffff!" he spits. He turns around and runs back towards his friends. Something in the backpack could save them, surely!
  2. Scott returns to life at an eerily cool oasis. A bastard sword throbbing with evil magic calls to him. Revenge can be his. He takes it up, and sets off after Josh.
  3. Beth and Krissy wake up at Beth's house. "That was a crazy dream!" says Beth. Krissy agrees. Then, they have breakfast.
  4. Josh continues his desert adventure, running into a few familiar faces.
  5. Pernacious Dilwa, the man from whom Josh stole the Backpack, stalks him across the desert. A reckoning is coming, and Pernacious has no soul.

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