Darkness and Light

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 98570

It was dark. Pitch black. He was wearing loose, plain clothing. He was lying on his back. He realized chains and bindings were attached to all four of his legs, but not his wings or tail. "That's funny." he thought. Why wouldn't all of his limbs be bound? He could easily escape if he thrashed his powerful form around for only a few minutes. He concentrated on swinging his tail, only to find that he didn't have one anymore. He was a human again. Two arms. Two legs. Eight fingers. Two thumbs. Ten toes. Fragile, fragile, skin and bones. He blinked, and couldn't tell the difference between the darkness and his closed eyelids. Angered at his utter helplessness, he screamed, with his voice being the very embodiment of primal fury; and began to transform for the third time in his life.

The bindings expanded as his muscles began to bulk up, then began to glow a dark blue color, like the color of the ocean. Fred's transformation halted at that point, with his body built like that of a wrestler, but displaying no draconic attributes. As his restraints gave off light now, he noticed that they were ornately engraved with many patterns of men, dragons, and men turning into dragons beneath a full moon. He noticed that his wounds were completely healed, and that he had a scar on his hand, as if weeks had passed for his tissue to repair itself. He guessed he had a disfigured face to match. He was bound to the floor in the center of a large stone room with a domed ceiling. There was a single stone door to the chamber. It had a large engraving of a shield on it's face. Fred was fully conscious now, and began wondering who had placed him here. He decided he needed to get out first before pondering such things. Fred gave a few powerful tugs on his restrictions, then...

  1. ...*CRACK* He was freed, although he still had glowing manacles on his wrists and ankles and was unable to fully change his form.
  2. ...*SNAP* He lost his resolve, and returned to normal as the impediments shrank and stopped glowing, returning the room to darkness.

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