
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 98500

"Then we have a deal." Astra's chains promptly vanished. "How about some clothes as well?" she suggested. Clothes appeared on her body. "Ok, what do you need me to do?"

Belboz was visibly distressed, and motioned for her to stand beside him so she could read the scroll he was unfolding. On the scroll was nothing but a single crack through which a dim line shone. "What's that?" Astra asked, provoking Belboz to sputter.

"That, Princess, is a tear. A multiversal tear," explained Belboz, unhelpfully.
"Multi-what?" replied Astra, quizzically.
"Oh never mind. The point is that this signifies that reality itself is bending and warping. I began to suspect something when I got up to take a bath for the sixteenth time this morning. Have you had strange repetitive experiences yourself?"

"Are you kidding me?" said Astra with a barking laugh. "You were chained up by me and then... oh yeah I see what you mean. Yeah. What can we do?"

There is a flash of emerald light, and a sardonic, middle-aged man stands before them. "Nothing, we can do nothing," said Minestus. "Unless you two geniuses want to try to go through the crack. My magic cannot seal it, much less Belboz's." Belboz muttered, but gave a reluctant nod.

"It's true," he said. "Master, I was thinking that Astra, having been in Multiversal areas before, could be our key to safely widening the crack big enough for us to pass through."

"That is indeed possible," said Minestus with a slowly widening smile. "I had not thought of it. I knew I kept you around for a reason, Belboz. Ok, woman, do it."

"Do what?" said Astra, taking in Minestus and Belboz expectant gazes. Shrugging, she reached her hand to the crack in the scroll...

  1. There is a flash of light, and Belboz, Minestus, and Astra find themselves on the side of a two-lane road.
  2. There is a flash of light, and Belboz, Minestus, and Astra find themselves in the Staircase Room.
  3. There is a flash of light, and Belboz, Minestus, and Astra find themselves in a huge Sam's Club.
  4. There is a flash of light, and Belboz, Minestus, and Astra find themselves in the Torture Pit of Zerm the Unspeakable. "Oh no..." said Minestus.
  5. Nothing happens. Belboz coughs. "Well, go on," urges Minestus.
  6. Reality warps around them, and they all find themselves in different places. Astra, for instance, is on a beautiful tropical beach!

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