Fred continues on

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 9634

Fred was unable to convince, or force the wizard into banishing the dragon.
Fred continues on, deeper into the caves.
The walls and ceiling gradually pull away until Fred is walking in a man- sized rut in the ground. The ledge is about four feet above his head.
"Odd." said Fred as he noticed that he could no longer see the ceiling. Then he made a soft left and discovered just what was up with this 'rut'. It was man-made, designed for the giant metal wheel coming straight for him!

  1. Fred runs back to the part of the tunnel where the ceiling is right over his head. Wheel should not be able to get him there.
  2. Fred attempts to climb out of the passage. A running leap should do it...
  3. Fred is smooshied like a strawberry in a child's mouth.

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