Full Seating for Breakfast

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 95094

Astra was horrified to see that practically every occupant of the castle seemed to be be breakfasting in the main dining hall. (Perhaps Fred had unbanished the courtiers.) [94050] In fact, as she entered the room with Belboz, a cheer erupted from the crowds at the various tables.

"Behold, my future queen!" hailed Fred, loudly. "Three cheers for her in all her resplendent beauty! Oh, and Belboz."

Belboz sneered as the crowd erupted in "Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah for Queen Astra!" and Astra felt herself turn beet red. However, Aqualarian princesses have proper breeding so she stiffened her spine and, in her most regal posture she could muster, made her way to the giant throne-like seat next to Fred. Belboz chuckled, taking his seat at the next lowest table among the minor nobles.

"Isn't it wonderful," said Fred, his mouth full of roasted goat. "Everyone was positively insistent that they were on our side and not horrible old King Emry's and so I let them all back to court. And now, I summoned forth the most succulent feast! Dig in, I insist!"

Forcing a grin, and contemplating her next move, Astra did.

Meanwhile, Edward is still hung up at the Aqualarian border...

"I have told you a thousand times," said Edward, sitting on the ground. In front of him was the Aqualarian border, and about a dozen guards, weapons at the ready. "I am not a spy! I have urgent news about Astra!"

"Right," said the captain, a surly dispositioned woman with fiery red hair. "and I have told you a thousand times that we get people with that story all the time. Word has come down that no one gets in without papers. Nobody. I sent for a representative from the capital. When they get here, they can listen to your story and make a final decision. Until then, you stay out."

"Dammit!" exclaimed Edward, with a sigh. "You are going to regret this! Astra is in the hands of that madman as we speak! Her fate will be on you..."

The guards exchanged a worried glance, but orders are orders...

Back at the massive breakfast...

  1. Fred is concerned Astra isn't enjoying breakfast properly, so he takes steps...
  2. Astra contemplates her plan for delaying the marriage as she digs into the massive plate of food Fred has prepared for her.
  3. Fred wants the marriage to occur right after breakfast. Astra panics.
  4. Suddenly, the warning bell sounds at the front gate. A messenger comes in to say that King Emry has been spotted at the head of a small army, headed for the castle!
  5. Meanwhile, the messenger from the Aqualarian capital shows up at the border.
  6. Meanwhile...

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