Fred and Belboz are Unexpectedly Conciliatory

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 94885

"What I want is for the two of you to stop your ceaseless yammering," Astra said. "By the Goddess, but you do go on. You're far worse than a pair of women could ever be."

"But there's nothing else to do but talk," Fred said. "Why don't you contribute to our conversation for a change? That would surely be more interesting for you than just being a listener."

"But you never seem to talk about anything that interests me in the slightest."

"So why don't you choose a topic for us to discuss?" Belboz said. "I can't say fairer than that."

  1. With both men looking at her expectantly, Astra was annoyed to find that her mind seemed to have gone blank.
  2. "Don't want to," she said sulkily. How typical of men, to annoy her by being so unexpectedly reasonable.
  3. "OK, let's talk about Minestus. Is he a dragon who can shape-shift into a man, or a mage who can shape-shift into a dragon?"
  4. "How about discussing me? That's a topic that I find endlessly fascinating."
  5. But before Astra could reply the cave went pitch dark and they heard evil laughter.

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