The Damsel (redux)

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 94017

Intent as he was on facing the dragon,Lord Fred couldn't help but be totally captivated by the gorgeous young woman he beheld. Tall,athletic,full-breasted... and wearing nothing but the chains that held her to the side of the tunnel. She was no shrinking violet,in the circumstances she made no negative reaction to his gaze over her anatomy...she got straight to the point. "Unchain me,please!Perhaps together we can defeat this Dragon of the Northern Caves...but with his magic powers he has toyed with me!" said Astra, the old words coming easily to her lips.

"Er...he's the dragon of the Southern Caves."

"Not by the maps of Aqualaria."

Lord Fred pondered. He should have realized this woman was one of the fabled warrior princesses of his kingdom's southern neighbor,the border being the same mountain range as held the caves. And the dragon certainly had no reason to respect political boundaries. He was the son of one of the great dukes of the kingdom,or he wouldn't be Lord Fred,but it would certainly be a fine match if he could become a companion in arms,and in life, of this princess!

Checking that Velus the dog-teen was out of the way of his stroke,he aimed for the chain holding the Aqualarian princess's left arm to the cave wall...she carefully kept her arm clear so he could strike without hitting her.

  1. He severed the chain with his sword.
  2. He struck the chain,which notched the sword and was not harmed by it.
  3. As he prepared to strike the cave went pitch dark and he heard evil laughter.
  4. "Wait!" interrupted Astra. "Fred, do you not remember me?"

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Lord Reaibn Daenorth (borrowed heavily from L.E.'s ep 38)

4/12/2011 12:01:13 PM

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