Fred sees the Dragon slumbering up ahead, and looks at his sword for confidence.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 91

Aye, it is a fine blade - made of pure Anatolian steel glistening like the moonlight, with fine, wickedly sharp edges designed for stabbing, chopping, and eviscerating alike. Fred runs his metal-gloved fingers over it's edge, and whispers a prayer to the Reedemer of our Sins. Over there, less than ten yards away, lies the Dragon - destroyer of livestock and farms, devourer and enslaver of beautiful maidens, greedy hoarder of treasure. What creature could be more deserving of death than this foul wyrm? Unable to bide his time any longer, Lord Fred starts to advance toward the Dragon, directly toward the twisted serpentine head, where the vulnerable eye sockets wait for his blows. None but a thrust through the eye shall kill a Dragon - so said the wisemen of the castle, as they mumbled blessings over Fred's sword and armor.

Fred swiftly closes the distance. Nine yards, eight yards, seven, six - will it really be that easy? Just a second more, and he will be in striking range.

And then the Dragon's eye opens, freezing Fred in his tracks with the sheer gleam of it's malevolence.

"How ignoble!" The voice is a hiss in Fred's mind, projected by the Dragon's psyche, chilling Fred to the core. "Would you have slain me in my sleep, Sir Fred? Hardly a chivalrous act worthy of a knight of the realm."

Fred measures the distance between him and the dragon. One good lunge - just one good lunge, and his blade will be buried to the hilt in that evil red eye, bursting it with a satisfying pop. But what if the legends are wrong? What if the Dragon will live on, and slaughter Fred in rage? What if it would be better to leap onto his snout, and bury his sword in the Dragon's jaw, pinning his head to the ground? What about attacking the Dragon's belly - wouldn't that work too? And actually - wouldn't turning and running be a perfectly reasonable alternative?

Then Fred realizes that three of the four voices in his head are the Dragon's - projected into his mind to confuse him. His choice is clear! And with only a second to act, Fred...

  1. ...lunges sword-first into the eye of evil.
  2. ...leaps onto the head to pin it to the ground.
  3. ...races toward the Dragon's tender belly.
  4. ...turns and flees.

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