Hit By a Rock

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 89493

Upon hitting Lots42 in the cranium hard enough with a rock to kill him, Sir Toby begins to panic. Lots had only waited ninety years waiting for the episode he had written [3290-3325], and now this happens to him?

Sir Toby begins to hear things in his mind. Are those sirens? Are they already looking for me?

Unable to take any more, Toby shoves Lots42's corpse out of the chair and takes command of his computer. Oh goody, America Online circa late 1999 is his browser, and his computer can barely keep up with today's technology. But it's all that was available, and surely this ancient machine could conduct a simple web search to see if the authorities have already been dispatched to this location?

Sir Toby's first stop is Google...

  1. Google successfully loads.
  2. Google loads...after five minutes.
  3. The AOL icon on the upper right corner of his browser spins and spins. And spins. Nothing happens. The browser screen is empty. The icon spins. And spins. And spins.
  4. Nothing happens, so Toby smashes the computer with the rock he killed Lots with.
  5. Meanwhile, the Never Ending Quest had come to an end by this time, with literally every episode written and every option chosen...

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