Sir Toby

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 888

Fred ran to Peter's pedastal when he saw a figure approach. It turned out to be Sir Toby!
"Greetings, Sir Toby." Fred called out. The figure looked at him. "Fred? You're St. Peter?"
"No, I'm filling in for him. Now let's see what your judgement is."
Fred flips the book open. "Tammy, Sir. Hmmm. Timmy, Sir. Tialbor, Sir. Here we go! Sir Toby! Let's see. You're destined to enter Heaven."
At those words the great gates squeaked open. Sir Toby jumped up into the air and clapped his hands. "Whee!" he said, then ran into Heaven.
The doors began to shut.

  1. Fred mans his post.
  2. Fred mans his post as several dozen people approach at once.
  3. Fred turns and runs into Heaven, leaving his post empty.
  4. Fred pulls out a dagger and throws it at Toby's retreating form.
  5. Fred flips through the book looking for the fate of other people he knows.
  6. He goes to another Addventure.

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