
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 88799

"Astra," said Miss Kibbi very seriously, "we do not talk of the dragon."


"The dragon has terrorised the lands for six generations; it's no laughing matter."

"I was only..."

"Go back to your seat, Astra, and be happy it isn't detention!"

"But I..."


"Yes, Miss Kibbi."

As she went towards her seat, she could hear the children whispering. "Why did she have to say that?" "Did you see?" "All she did was mention it!" "How brave!" "And she didn't get detention!" "She only got off easy because she's the heir to the throne."

The rest of the lesson proceeded uneventfully. They talked about the city of Thermolus hailed for its long tradition of powerful amazon warriors, and its people.

After the class, the thoughts kept pestering Astra. Could she prevent Anina's death? Could she avoid being kidnapped? Could she help her sister?

Astra asked Agra, "Where are Mom and Dad?"

  1. "Oh, they're doing some boring budget thing"
  2. "Oh, they're in the thorne room. Why?"
  3. "Didn't you hear? They left this morning!"

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