Fred in charge

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 88677

"What?" asked Astra, puzzled.

"Yes," continued Fred, "I've been assisting Saint Peter since Episode 64, and he's assigned me the task of choosing forms for reincarnation."

"But, but, you cannot be qualified! You're mad and stupid and... and generally clumsy!"

"I have warned you not to judge me by the standards of your universe's Fred. Unfortunately, now I'll have to take what you just said into account to consider what to turn you into."

"But... but..."

"And then there's the fact that you tried to kill me..."

Astra trembled. She could see Fred thinking... thinking... What dreadful fate awaited her? Finally, Fred spoke:

  1. "However, I still love you in spite of all; so I will try to ensure that your new life is a good one."
  2. "I'm going to make sure you have a hard time of it in your new life."

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