Hang in there...again

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 88648

The white light was blinding; it engulfed her! She felt a sort of gust, but could not tell what it was. Then she felt her arms being lifted up and being clasped by something cold and hard. At the same time, her robe seemed to disolve into nothingness, but the air was growing heavy, as if she were in a cave. Under her feet, she had felt nothing until now; the ground that materialized was also cold and hard.

When the light cleared away, she found herself in a familiar tunnel. She tried to lower her arms, but they were being impeded; the only feedback she got was some high-pitched clinking. There she was, chained to the wall again.

How long would it be until someone found her? She seemed to vaguely remember that she had actually agreed to this imprisonment. She noticed her heart was still racing from... from what? There had been a dragon; that had been quite scary. However, though her body still shook as if the dragon had only just left, she couldn't supress the feeling that she hadn't seen the dragon in a very long time.

There were some soft footsteps in the distance. Astra turned, looking up the tunnel hopefully. The shadow of the figure that was coming towards her appeared to be standing... on four legs? or was it a trick of the light? Maybe it was Velus?

Velus... how did she know that name? There was a dog who slept at her feet while she was hanging there, but she hadn't named it. Somehow, she also knew that the dog was brave and intelligent and that he cared for her. How did she know this? The dog couldn't talk and sleeping at her feet required no bravery!

She didn't have time to wonder anymore, for at that moment, the source of the shadow revealed itself to be...

  1. ...just Velus, the dog
  2. ...Velus, acompanied by a man in armor
  3. ...the dragon checking on its prisoner

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