To heaven?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 88576

"You want to enter heaven, then?" asked the man.


"You're going for the full enchilada?"

"The full... what?"

"I mean, you're just confidently going to expect me to let you in now."

"Well, I..."

"Unforunately, that decision does not rest with me."

Astra froze. It took her a moment to understand what the man had said. "But am I not dead? Don't I have to make a decision? Are you not Saint Peter, keeper of the Pearly Gates?"

"While these are the Pearly Gates, you can't honestly expect the First Apostle to stay here the whole time. I'm Simon, and I'm subbing for him today."

Astra froze again.

"However, I can call He Who Can Authorize You Into Heaven."

"By 'He Who Can...' all that... do you mean Saint Peter?"

  1. "Yes."
  2. "No... I mean Fred."

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