
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 88463

"Astra, I..." began Fred, but Astra cut him short.

"I don't want to hear about it! I'm sick of your insecurities, sick of your superstitions, sick of your indecisiveness, and sick of not being able to do anything!"

"Astra, I wasn't thinking! I... I'm... I'm sorry!"

"Oh sure, now you're sorry! Well I'm also sick of your 'not thinking'! Try to 'not think' about the ghost! I'm going!" Astra stomped away, out of the chamber and out of sight.

"Astra! Astra! Come back!" Great. Now what do we do, Velus?

  1. Velus leaves as well, leaving Fred alone with the ghost
  2. Fred and Velus go after Astra
  3. The story will now follow Astra

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