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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 88442

Astra looked from Fred to the pleading ghost. "You know, you may be right Fred. She could just be a very good actress trying to lure us into a trap."

Fred blinked. This was the first time in his life a woman had agreed with him that easily, he wasn't about to waste the chance!

"Well, let's not waste another moment! Let's go before this undead what- cha-ma-call-it..."

"She's a ghost, Fred."

"Whatever, before she entices us to a watery grave."

"Uh, Fred, that's what sirens do, not ghosts."

"Whatever, let's just go."

Although she didn't seem to understand what they were saying, nothing could be clearer to the ghost than having the three of them turn their backs on her and walk away. The ghost floated towards the ground in sadness and despair, and began to weep.

  1. Overcome with guilt, they return to confort the ghost
  2. Fred, Astra, and Velus arrive back at the market
  3. The ghost cried and cried for three weeks, when two boys named Bob and Brandy chanced upon her while exploring the cave

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