Fred's apology

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 88434

In a moment of inspiration, Fred burst from Astra's side, ran towards the ghost, and prostrated before her. The ghost stopped, baffeld, and looked down at Fred.

"Oh, you great, uh, being; forgive me, for I have wronged thee. I, and I alone, suffer from such great... ignorance... I have performed acts of great, uh, disgust upon thy noble, uh, pool! It was my fault, and my fault alone, and now I will do anything necessary to make up for my faults."

He stretched his hand and dragged a Velus towards him by the scruff.

"Fred," Astra whispered, "what are you doing?"

Fred ignored her, and ploughed on with his speech. "I will even sacrifice this mutt's blood before thee, if that will satisfice thee."

"Fred, stop!" Astra was now shreiking in freight. "This is madness!"

Fred sushsed her. "Quiet, Astra. The undead thing is moving!"

  1. The ghost moved towards Fred
  2. The ghost turned away

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